looool the music really did it for me, lost my ****. :D man you're just so good.
Hurt locker is interesting but boring.
I don't understand how this is a diorama either, but, nice try. Maybe working with something else would be easier...
I enjoyed this quite a bit, except I wish some of the clips went for longer while others, shorter. Everything in this is done so well.
camo i swear you're 24/7 on here, you practically dominate this thread. >.> <.< ^.^
qft Ended up buying reach for 48, pretty much a bargain. Problem sooooolved.
while youre at it, play mobsters too. :P
I'm aiming to make a giant rollercoaster, yew.
It's so good they had to put it in their own game...but wager match too. They're two completely different games but I think I'm going to get...
ahh I can make enough money cause i only work sundays and I get rates then, but i just realised that the price of black ops won't come down for a...
that's what i thought, except theyre playing at BDO, so everyone won't know until then. BIG DAY OUT 2011 - Music Festival - Auckland, Gold Coast,...
dude you should see zef side they're such morons its hilarious (if you haven't already seen it). YouTube - Die Antwoord - Zef Side (Official)...
die antwoord
duuude these models are amazing, nice work! however the promo poster could be cleaned up by removing the blue background bit and substituting...
If you were expecting to open this thread up and find an OPtiiC xx QuIcK SkOPESS x ranting aobut how much better black ops is going to be than...
oh haha was orange pit? what's with all the crashes aswell =/
☻ more fllr ;)
soo indie that you turn indian
has everyone seen NAHSON videos around here
here's my entry for that skin competition http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8325/nakiebrah.png [IMG]