Gooooooood luck
Of course, it could be an account solely dedicated to trolling, which I feel is the case.
man, this thread is moving really slow.
So is your mom
It's bananas! Bee! ay en ay en ay ess!
Loving every laugh
A 500 word "essay"
Destiny The Game - YouTube I wasn't sure if you guys had seen this
Who did that?
el oh el
He's just talking about keeping multiplayer fresh by releasing map packs
How will they restrict access to the maps? I mean they're already on my harddrive? Can they delete them, or just restrict access to them while I'm...
I'm downloading the Map pack for free right now, lol
haha wut
All three Sniper rifles can shoot through a grid piece. This might be useful for a mini game.
Magnets work well with stopping Z-Fighting. Put an object adjacent to the piece you are having problems with, and if you move the problem piece up...
Just look at the fingers.
Yes. They made it a killzone because there's no water collision on those maps. There's water collision on Forgeworld.
They don't have water collision on Erosion and Ravine. You just fall through.