@aPK: I support the idea, and I assume you're prepared for the backlash you'll inevitably receive. I've never been one that pays much mind to...
I agree the Grenade Launcher was good, but we finally have a power weapon that truly requires skill and thought to use. Grenade Launcher was too...
People need to stop saying Plasma caster is bad! It's very useful, if you know how and when to use it.
Ben, I look forward to your pile of blocks. Are you remaking a map of yours, or working on a new design?
As long as we're remaining civil, there's no problem with this discussion. I find it to be somewhat unnecessary, though. I think we all agree...
I didn't see this to be a discussion on the competition, as much as a discussion of H5 forge in general. The situation you refer to doesn't...
Ben makes a booming return, ladies and gentleman. Speaking of ladies: We should get Res in here if she still forges.
You're right, you didn't mention your map, but you referred to our conversation on your map, so I made the connection. I never said that you...
The reason is that it doesn't appeal to me, unless it really stands out. Since you bring up Luxor Station: Space stations will be the most used...
@Goat: I want to say first that your map is looking very interesting. I know I'm in the minority with how I judge maps, but I see the geometry...
@ace: Add me bro! GT: The Xzamplez
I somewhat share Salty's opinions on this. His view count seems to be solely based on the "Oh, I've seen that map before, so I know it's not a...
Chunk those maps are sexy. When did you become such a beast? I'm gonna need you to not have that fusion cool on the map, though. It's like giving...
Another good video. Nice job. Getting a little more bold now. I don't agree about Onslaught/Amplified having bad pathing with their free flow...
If you're a try hard, then no. It's not worth potentially losing a kill, or accidentally activating it.
Good point. Hopefully they don't keep pushing out 343 forge maps, though. Look forward to those BTB maps, and hopefully they didn't ruin Antifreeze.
They changed Antifreeze to an Arena map.... I just want to point out that while I'm a big supporter of forge, it's a joke that they're using...
How many remixes can we expect in the DLC in June? (If I can, I'll ask it myself in the stream.) Pegasus NEEDS to be taken out of 4v4 gametypes,...
@Jake: I know it's free, you douche. I still don't feel like there is enough variety in the map lineup, including Overgrowth, and a big reason is...
This remix crap really needs to stop. We already have an extremely limited number of maps in the game, and this cuts that number in half. It's...