I've often wondered why publishers are so keen to hang on to the physical model. What do they have to gain? Retailers, sure, but why publishers?...
Yes, I'm not saying that disc based games should cost less because they are like DD, because obviously that's not true. My point there was that,...
Absolutely agree. This is one of my main qualms with the digital distribution/DRM model that MS seem to want to move towards. I know the emphasis...
Why didn't I bring my Xbox with me to London!? This looks fun.
**** the pomposity in here. No, people at large did not object to these things simply because they "dislike change." I feel like we're having the...
It wouldn't be twice your ping. Ping is a round-trip measurement, so it accounts for outward and returning journeys.
Not really. Integral cloud computing would require a genuinely always online system, so the 24 hour thing wouldn't have achieved that. It could...
Oh thank God, now I can look forward to Halo 5 without worrying about buying in to MS's bullshit and basically telling them that such policies are...
Fair enough, sorry for reading too much in to it. Though, I never said it would fail without it, just that potential and longevity would be...
Agreed, though I still think there might be room for expansion in terms of passive, longer pattern behaviours, and just more in depth stuff. For...
New textures, new models, which can them combine in to entire new themes to compliment the existing 3+ (since they've said they'll have more) and...
The PC version of this NEEDS to be modable. I'm not holding my breath for MS to actually embrace user content and control to that degree, but it...
In terms of playing the games, the Kotaku article explicitly states "Regardless, to be clear, only one family member can actually be playing the...
As for what defines a family, it could well be better than iTunes, as having to be signed in yourself on each computer you authorise isn't exactly...
Wholeheartedly agreed. Even people who try to keep a balanced perspective and not jump to conclusions are having their patience crapped all over...
Sorry dude, just heading to sleep, got work tomorrow and it's 2am here. But I feel ya, I goddamn feel ya. Just posted in the XBO thread and it...
It's getting to the point where I feel like I need to love the hell out of Destiny, just so I don't feel compelled to get a One for Halo alone,...
4sk BR + 110% speed = awesome. Loving this update, and having the Majestic maps playlist again is the icing on the cake.
So I finally got my OUYA. Gotta say, build quality and design is nicer than it looked on the video. It feels solid, as does the controller, though...
Finishing the upgrade (in terms of skins and returned functionality from vB 3.8), adding new features (I actually agree with Schnitz there), and...