Juanez - I think some of it comes down to people having different standards for the game that are very particular to them (like the MLG crowd -...
The internet: where "people" means everyone on earth who isn't you.
erwerw It's always more complicated than people usually want to admit or discuss. I don't believe there's any one reason, but rather lots of...
Thanks for your comments on Octave too, by the way! That and Salvage were both drawn up on paper prior to building, which always results in more...
Thanks for doing this Juanez. Feedback is obviously at an all-time low but it's awesome you took the time - and screenshots, even! What a...
You logged on to this site at least one time during your hiatus. Over saw it and linked me to it. It was about a week after you "blocked" Forge...
I think the confusion is people vs. households. 53 million people don't all have individual homes.
^ That. Maybe your best post on this forum, Pac. My big concern with the new XBox is that this decision is going to eventually kill the console....
Upgrade me to a regular attendee - I'm in. For at least a couple hours.
You're in luck - the lobby's tomorrow. ;)
Another fine example of what I was talking about. If you think only the precision primary and power weapons are useful in all the Halo games, you...
Make me a reserve please!
The funny thing (or scary thing, for Microsoft) is that I'm the kind of guy that doesn't care about this at all - as in, my XBox is always online...
They should retroactively patch Sandtrap and Sandbox so that all players are wrapped in over-the-top billowing Jawacloaks.
Camo crouching FTW. Master Chief's footsteps are really light for a 2 ton piece of walking armor - maybe if he just slouches a bit.
^ I agree, I'm really just analyzing this trailer. I assume this bears little resemblance to the eventual game.