I hate to make another worthless post, but it's "I couldn't care less".
Halo killed Halo
Big team baaaaaaatttleeeeeeeee
I don't know, it all sounds pretty fishy.
Didn't Nutduster hack Halo 4 anyway?
William, it's "could have", not "could of".
Don't forget the unlocks!
They should take all of my ideas.
Schnitzel quits the Forge community every other week.
In Reach MLG I prefer playing on the awful looking Forge maps because they play better than the developer ones. WHAT NOW
Aesthetics give a good first impression. Gameplay give a good lasting impression. Aesthetics can enhance gameplay. THERE. DONE.
They might as well just allow us to create our own geometry instead.
Havok doesn't allow for scaling of physics objects.
You either create a casual map, or a good map.
God dammit, Tombo. Get yo **** together.