People care about titles and colors way too much on this forum.
Is this... parody?
WW1-esque chain reaction? The great "casual" injustice? Damn, that's some good stuff.
Are you planning on overhauling the frontpage, Overkill?
Knowing you that's most likely not the entire story either.
I'm sure there are two sides to this story.
We don't really have a lot of great data available to us. Halo 3 has inflated population numbers and we don't have consistent numbers for Halo...
4 moderators and 6 journalists? That's like half of Forgehub.
As you might as expect, there are quite a few people on the internet. Sometimes when you read two different things that have been placed on the...
Not exactly new.
You must be new to the internet.
You seem really upset about dislikes on a video on the internet.
Confirmed by the all-knowing CBOAT too.
You only have to be online to download and possibly activate your digital games. Aside from that you can be offline as much as you want.
I for one do not object to Forgehub becoming more like porn websites.
Well, not in the sense that it always requires an internet connection, which it what it usually refers to these days.
Steam doesn't have DRM.
You know, for a website that's supposed to be about Forge maps, Forgehub sure does a good job at hiding them. On the front page there's a small...