You fo' real?
Protect this House (30 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet. Hat Trick (33...
...and be amazed. [IMG]
Probably also has a lot to do with those communities and websites being dead. ;)
For blogs go here:
Well, excuuuuuuuse me, mister fancy swancy moderator.
dat custom title incentive
Why'd they shut it down out of nowhere?
My farts are of excellent quality, thank you.
All I remember was getting infracted if I even as much as farted.
Weren't you like banned from being a CC or something?
Nah, I didn't buy Halo 4. 343i is a terrible developer.
I caved and bought another copy a few weeks back.
I feel like this happens like every other month.
yo whats with the huge text
Halo Council
I just prefer simple forums which focus on actual discussion. That's the entire point of forums after all. So many forums have unnecessary clutter...
Nobody looks at signatures.
If it were me signatures would just be completely removed. Nobody reads or looks at them, they clutter up the forums and you increase scrolling...