Give me the Reach Grenade Launcher back already.
Man, it's been a while since I've seen TCOJ on here. Shout-out to Nutduster. I'd be up for testing my map Adytum. GT is Overdoz1z.
1) Please consider turning down the fog. Visibility is more important than having an atmosphere if this is going to be a competitive map. 2) Don't...
Please put a green light next to the teleported on Chill Out :(
Clicking on the download link will take you to my gamertag (which is Overdoz1z).
In the grand scheme of things it's kind of hilarious that people were advocating 'gameplay over aesthetics' in Forge considering how much of it is...
I'm sure that's what it always does, but it still looks odd.
Those reflections, though. o_O
Finished my first playable version of my Sanctuary remix. Halo 5 Forge is really great compared to the rather disappointing iterations in H4 and H2A.
Overdoziz submitted a new map: Adytum - Remixed version of Halo 2's Sanctuary Adytum is my first Halo 5 Forge map. It's basically Sanctuary, but...
Adytum is my first Halo 5 Forge map. It's basically Sanctuary, but with some changes in the layout and geometry. The biggest change to the layout...
Aesthetics is what colors people's first impressions tremendously so I feel like it definitely should influence a map's judgement a fair amount....
How much money is appreciation worth?
It's been a while [IMG]
It'd be great if they added some rubble objects/decals. Items you can put in corner and/or near spots where two objects meet to cover it up a bit....
Do placed lights create (baked-in) shadows?
Bloom is bad and you should feel bad.
Station 9 is babbie's first Halo 4 Forge map.
Sorry I didn't play a game I didn't like with you.
Strong competitive element.