Well that's what legacy settings are, they replicate the Halo 2 style gameplay for those who prefer it. I think thruster has potential, with the...
You're missing the point. But for the record, I'd argue that all the abilities take away from gameplay.
I've got 7 or 8 finished designs, 4 of them are for 2's :) Wish I could show them to you, tbere's some crazy stuff I have planned :P
I have no idea what we're talking about anymore
Football/Soccer/Volleyball in both high school and college. D1 :cool::p
That's a different kind of geometry Martian lmao
Don't even trip about that, I wasn't mad :)
I understand what you're saying right here, and I STRONGLY agree. I think it's important for you to outline the experience you were intending to...
Oh thank god , I was about to get really edgy lol
Possibly man, who knows :P
...just make a small space that you need to crouch in?
Saw this on Beyond. It's crazy how 343 took the map in such a different direction once you left.
That's what I like to hear! :P
That link Xandrith posted is excellent, Chunk has written some good things on forging. I'm no master forger by any means whatsoever, so take...
It was done, but..today I reached out to a well known community member about the series, and he's going to be doing a dual commentary with me on a...
Objective definitely turns maps on their head, and most of the time when i look at a map and judge it, it's for slayer unless otherwise stated....
I mean I didn't want them to be considered entry level information lol but thanks man, I appreciate it
The next two episodes have been done for a few weeks but.. I've been told by someone that none of the "upper tier" forgers here take them...
You should make a video talking about that! :P
I know right? :)