1v1, first to 84 kills on it. I call Legolas ;)
That list is awesome but why does it say I'm not on FH? :P
Go to china, communist scum! And vote for Bernie Sanders while you're at it :p
Brace yourself. For Trinitwo.
Will do man, thanks! Thanks Raymond! :) I appreciate it.
But - but...episode 1! :(
Hmm.. How about Hardy Lebel? ;)
Wow. This post is awesome man, and I appreciate the critiques a lot. The sound mixing is something I'll keep working on, and I'm trying to find...
You're always welcome to explain your thoughts.
About 3 more :)
Keep in mind that a lot of the statements I make in these videos come off super black and white, as opposed to anything in the middle (like...
:) [MEDIA]
64?!?!? :P
Didn't the CC's say the first thing they asked was if they could forge offline and 343 said yes?
Santa is that you!
So I just watched the antifreeze video, it's cool seeing the final map. Some honest thoughts: it made me cringe listening to that 343 guy talk...
Where have you been hiding!
I didn't deny that it might require allocating resources. But they've already gone on record saying they are updating the UI, and that's more or...
When can we expect updates to forge that will add objects with new textures. Eg. stone themed pieces, mossy themed pieces, foreunner metal themed...
There is absolutely, no possible way that attaching a picture file to a map file is as difficult as they say it is. I believe you when you say...