What a shame
Below average? Geeze... That's putting it lightly >_>
The girls are half naked, half their bodies are not covered. Therefore, half naked. =D Look, I'm gay, so that's as close to half naked girls as...
Oh inorite, it looks so fake and horrible. Kinda like the voice acting in pornos...
I totally want FBU's room... He's inspired me to do something crazy liek that for mine =D I'll post some photos of my **** tomorrow maybe =]
[img] Jonathan Coulton's "Still Alive" may likely go down in history as the "Smoke on the Water" of the video game music world. Why? Because it...
No offence but I could swear I've seen this before, like... MONTHS ago... So uhh, yeah I dunno what to say.
http://filedump.d2k5.com/f/d/xMDBKadleHWKzUNIp2H6/file/Music.mp3 ^ Will you load? --- FAIL! --- http://anyhub.net/file/17.-hello-again-cars.mp3...
Reynbow's in the love list! =D --- Should be up the top though D:
Love list?
[img] YouTube - Blur - Surcharge VS Eclair - PS3/Xbox360 YouTube - Blur - Nitro VS Mine - PS3/Xbox360
And a totally new map. What's the harm in that? Clearly that map looks cery well pollished and will apparently be getting more work done to it....
Yeah I know all that, but still... I'd rather the $5 one xD --- In the end, to me anyway, it's just about what it looks like. And I can paint it...
Sorry buddy. But $110? WTF. And why would you pay so much originally for it anyway D: --- Awww <3
Why would you pay $110 for that when you could buy this for less than $5. Also, why do you put the dollar sign at the end of the numbers, are you...
Totes just added you bro
Why wouldn't you just change the mouse to be left handed...?
Added a video clearly showing the 360 looks better than the PS3. Epic =D
Okay well that's just sad...