[1 Minute Ago 06:13 PM] DeathToll77: has better gameplay [1 Minute Ago 06:13 PM] DeathToll77: Technically I think stealth's is going to win [1 Minute Ago 06:12 PM] Catmon: I like stealth's better* [1 Minute Ago 06:12 PM] DeathToll77: Kyle's has bad spawns [1 Minute Ago 06:12 PM] DeathToll77: I don't like any of them
[1 Minute Ago 06:11 PM] DeathToll77: failed [1 Minute Ago 06:11 PM] DeathToll77: They both [2 Minutes Ago 06:11 PM] DeathToll77: IMO [2 Minutes Ago 06:11 PM] DeathToll77: IDK [2 Minutes Ago 06:10 PM] DeathToll77: I was checking out the template submissions
inorite? im kinda nervous though. but i think i may have the upperhand with my video i made. but whatever let the best man win, or lose