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Jul 11, 2011 at 3:37 PM
Jul 16, 2008
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May 19, 1994 (Age: 30)
Mass!(lol physics!)
Professional Complainer

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Ancient, from Mass!(lol physics!)

Senior Member
Obibital was last seen:
Jul 11, 2011
    1. Furry
      Hahahaha, thanks for the rep. I could really care less though. I think rep is pointless, its more of a popularity contest than anything. I could care less if people don't like me for how I truly think about something.

      I really appreciate it though. I really do.
    2. Y35 <3
    3. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      Its a joke map, its not real
    4. DEANM12
      Hey orbtial go on on my profile and check my gamertag you may recongize it
    5. youngian
      woo!its like looking in a mirror we have same pic and same rank !
    6. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      okay i am in the TGIF i think not sure yet but i know i would love to help you with the map my GT is wippin u
    7. Murdock Sampson
    8. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      what? do they tell you what?
    9. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      nah its cool. you got questions. just post with your GT on there, send a fr to TGIF 1, 2 or 3 and then on that day, go to the TGIF you have, go to view friends (of the TGIF) and pick one of the ppl who are hosting (w/ the pic of a bunny) and then if they're open, join. also i have most of the mods as my friends, but only like insane likes me.
    10. Murdock Sampson
    11. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      yeah i was like the 98th. i think its like open parties so it shouldn't be hard to get in. my GT=Murdock sampson. And yeah we should play some games sometime.
    12. SE7ENS1NS4M
      Hey when does V4 of Hurricane Town come out?
    13. Cries Of Pain
      Cries Of Pain
      Hey Orbital, You DO KNOW that Hurricane Town v3 Has 127 Downloads Riiight?
    14. onewildchild816
      what is your gamertag??
    15. DRiSCOLL
      thats ok :) senior member, im just about to become heroic, only a couple more posts,

      your maps pretty cool, glad you liked the coment
    16. Cries Of Pain
      Cries Of Pain
      Grats Dude! On v3!
    17. Cries Of Pain
      Cries Of Pain
      When Are You Going To Post v3? I Know It's Done. Get To It! Chop Chop! Lol jk, Take Your Time.
    18. Cries Of Pain
      Cries Of Pain
      Orbital! My Homie! I saw your map is up! VERY NICE!
    19. Obibital
      Oh... im sorry i didnt know that you rank up by posting. also the other map was posted for a weird reason i was typing up the post and was hitting tab over and over agian trying to tab the paragraph then thought to just hit the space bar. then it got posted by an accident. but thanks for understanding ill only use pm to reply to people who see my maps.

      (Oh yah i was going to edit the first post but it got locked.)
    20. Felshot
      Ok, sense your knew we're being lenient on you. I know you don't know this, but you've made two infractions. I'm not trying to be mean or anything I just want to help.

      1.) you've posted several times on your own map. Don't do that because you rank up by posting, so it's a cheap way to rank up by posting more than once on a tread.

      2.) You double posted the map. Next time just edit the one post you've already made and change it.

      And have you looked up how to post screenshots? It's complicated, yes, but you'll get used to it once you get the hang of it. Contact me or anyone else to help you.
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  • About

    May 19, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Mass!(lol physics!)
    Professional Complainer
    I LiKe FoArGe N' sTuFf.

    Does not post much


