It was good.... Got loads of money and good gifts so I did quite well... Well not loads of money but enough to buy like two games lol
boyd get on msn! my ipodtouch seems empty, i put my bullet albums on there and i need some that you got, thanks
I wish you were on... So I could "speak" with you =p Oh well.... speak to you soon =pp (ya thats right. My tongue has a tongue. Jealous?)
nowai.... Rofl we watch together??? I got the Wireless adapter so I can be on like all the time now cuz I don't have to move my xbox.... Merry Christmas btw.
Nah... atm I am at grandparents and I have to eat so brb in like ten minutes? maybe... I have to go to church too at like 7 so idk =[
Its like a DVD/CD thing.... Its tight though... Almost as tight as her pants... (I know... there a pain in the ass to get into ;])
o ok... well if your bro never told you, My parents were mighty drunk so i took advantage (that sounded so much better in my head) and changed my xbl gamertg to DRiSCOLL14 to DRiSC0LL
OH mah gawd!!!!!!!!!! I got the Paramore Final Riot thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like watching haley williams.... =]