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Nov 25, 2009 at 4:28 PM
Nov 20, 2008
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Oct 30, 1991 (Age: 33)
Elyria, Ohio

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Ancient, from Elyria, Ohio

Senior Member
smitty0018 was last seen:
Nov 25, 2009
    1. Bloumbas
      What's the hardest song in world tour? jw. We gotta play together sometime.
    2. Stoj
      With elastic band: Strap up the green, play the guitar like a piano. Sit it on your lap and the fingers next to your pinky do RYB conescutively and your other index does orange.

      If you plan to do it without, use your pinky on your left hand for the green.
    3. Shatakai
      Ah. I hold down green with my left index, red with left middle finger, yellow with right index, blue with right middle finger, and orange with right ring finger. I learned it in about 2 days and was able to do it nearly everytime on the first go within a week.

      You righty or lefty?
    4. Linubidix
    5. Stoj
      I just noticed that you said you can't tap the intro to TTFATF, or am I reading wrong...

      I've got a funny technique but it's friggen beast. :P
    6. Shatakai
      Have you tried tapping it? And, if so, what fingering positions do you use?

      Oh, yes, that's what she said.
    7. Shatakai
      What do you do to pass the intro then?
    8. Shatakai
      I used to post more actively, but I go on usually about once a day and check out threads and announcements.

      I have 26 expert FC's, not counting 2 I got in PFO online, so actually 28. I would have more, but lately I just lost the drive to play GH. I've gotten 5 stars on every song, including DLC except for TTFAF and TDWDTG which are both 4 starred.
    9. dented_drum
      Not at all. Proceed however you please. After all, it's your sketchup and what not. If there's anything we find with flaw, we'll simply fix it. No biggy.
    10. Yo Mommas Foot
      Yo Mommas Foot
      I bet you you didnt even look at his post, you just saw what i wrote, and saw that i was an UNSC Graduate and made the direct assumption that i cant say that because i am such a low rank but if i wrote that and i was an UNSC Spartan or some ****, you would have agreed with me ! newbies on this site are degrated so horribly by people like you. That it is pathetic to even be here.
    11. Yo Mommas Foot
      Yo Mommas Foot
      I do know what i am talking about. that post should have been counted as spam all he did was insult the person all he said was that his map was bad he didn't offer any tips, ideas exc he just said "that there is no interlocking geomerging the most advanced thing he did was make a grav lift turn sideways 1/10" see how could he even rate that if there was only two pics of the map i bet you he didn't even download the map to see what was on it. and when does interlocking and geomerging create gameplay better. all interlocking and geomerging does is make it look neat, not make the gameplay better. if I Was a moderator i surely would have counted that as spam.
    12. Yo Mommas Foot
      Yo Mommas Foot
      What the **** is your problem just because i am a UNSC Graduate doesnt mean i am like a two year old telling people to stop spamming i am just trying to help other people out you were once a UNSC Graduate to
    13. EGP
      ya i know really, who the hell was tat
    14. Stoj
      I can't contact my mate for some reason so if you realllly want to get it done soon, send him a XBL message saying the tournament details, who you are and who sent you, he'll believe you. If you CBF, I'll give him a ring. Will get back to you ASAP.
    15. dented_drum
      I like what I see. I like the use of angles. Lots of angles and curves add bonus points to a map. I'm perfectly fine with doing all the tedious work, if you'd like. I'm pretty picky anyways. The only things I'll ask are....

      * You let me hold some play-testing sessions before posting. I'm in GoO; so, that won't be difficult, and I can definitely get some good input.

      *We determine to not rush the map. Every time you rush a merge or an area of the map, you end up with an obvious fault, ya know. So, I'd like to take our time to make things pretty, and more importantly, playable.

      * Let me do the map post. 1 and 2 are examples of how I like to post my maps. I kinda even wrote up a map-posting guide a long time. It's actually really fun to me.

      If any of that is not good for you, let me know. I'm flexible.
    16. Stoj
      You are one beast at GH.

      Defo playing in your tourney, if the times are suitable for me. :D
    17. smitty0018
      Guitar Hero Tournament

      I'm trying to get a Guitar Hero 3 tourney going, so if you're at all interested, check out the thread here.

      There is a cash prize. Further information in the thread.
    18. dented_drum
      Totally sexy, bro. I like it. I can get a feel for the general flow of the map just by looking at it. If all is well with you, I'd like to get started sometime after the new year. I'm off to go skiing the day after Christmas, and I won't be back for around 10 days.

      I imagine the holidays are equally busy for you; so, we'll make a conjoined New Year's resolution: get featured.
    19. DeathToll77
      I will see what I can do, and you have been added to the group tag aswell
    20. DeathToll77
      do you mean my friends list, or the group tag?
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  • About

    Oct 30, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Elyria, Ohio
    Well hey there. My name's Matt. I'm a Junior in highschool in North East Ohio and I am 17 years old. I love soccer, hanging out with friends, Halo, and Guitar Hero. That's basically my entire life (which probably would explain my 3 Cs =\).

    Leave me a profile message! I'm new and would love to get to know some of the community members.

    Soccer, Guitar Hero, Halo


    My signiture was too big, therefor it was deleted by Running Chron. Next time I will get an infraction.