I have an idea for a great April Fools prank (seeing as April is right around the corner!). You 'delete' the 1,000,000 countdown party thread. And by delete, I mean move it to a hidden forums, like the Hub Pub. Everyone will be like :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOIHAVEMANYMOUTHS!
lol, my friend has metal gear, so fail. Like if snake is hiding in a box next to a bunch of other boxes, the AI will be "HEY A BOX!!!!! THERE IS SOMEBODY IN HERE!!!"
I completely agree, the ps3 to me is a movie player with the side feature of a bunch of other stuff. Mine came with Drakes tomb(I think that's what it's called) and it's 160 GB. But honestly I don't know what games to get, I think I will get M.A.G(look it up) when it comes out in like 2 years and maybe Little Big Planet soon