GD27 BlueDevil
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Apr 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Jan 27, 2008
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Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
Miami, Florida
Fighting Crime

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GD27 BlueDevil

Ancient, from Miami, Florida

Senior Member
GD27 BlueDevil was last seen:
Apr 16, 2012
    1. drak
      yes, I do.
    2. Blaze
      Ya. I have the beta version still up so people can download and get there reviews ready.
    3. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      K first off, I Ramparts was not anticipated, I didn't make any mentioned to anyone about it. Second, if I were you I'd stop talking about your maps getting featured. Its never good to predict or impose like you are.

      Second, for your what if question, It wouldn't matter at all.
    4. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil : Inside Bungie : News

      Note to self: DL this when you get your xbox back.
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I mean I know the guys gamertag. Also with all due respect GD, it isn't a big deal, like I mean the map isn't some big thing the community is waiting for. Its a good map but I mean like its not that big of a deal that it leaked :P
    6. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I know the guy who made the high voltage video, lulz.
    7. Picceta
      It's up, let me kno when you've downloaded. Sorry that I didn't get a chance to do anything to it.
    8. Blaze
      Lol. I think I'll have one but I'm not positive. I've been borring one for the last day and a half.
    9. ZANDER1994
      Holy balls. Okay, I think I'm going to play that in the TGIF. Just to try it if i have time.
    10. ZANDER1994
      We played once with, I think 8 people. It was fun, but we only played slayer. I don't know what it's like to play CTF with a big party. When playing with drak we played 2v2 (me n playahata) vs. him and one of his friends. They got romped, and he ended with only 2 kills when we played slayer. Then his team got no captures when we played CTF and he ended it. I'm assuming that contributed to him not liking the map.
    11. ZANDER1994
      Those are just the ones I know we will be playing for sure. Out of the seven that I just mentioned, 3 are classics. I didn't want to put too many on the list that I sent to vorpal that were classics, because I assumed he'd want to know those that my party will play uniquely.
    12. ZANDER1994
      Party's Name- Where's the dip?

      Start time: 9:00pm central time
      End time: All night.

      Rules: Play nice, don't ask for party leader too much I guess, and if you are lagging, and it's affecting others, expect to be booted. Don't have a noisy microphone or music playing into it either. Have all the DLC.

      Specific Schedule: We will be playing a few of the Forge Hub maps that were on Bungie Favorites early December, with a some of my favorites in there too. The times will probably be off, so I will take suggestions, or add to the list IF we are ahead of schedule. These below are those I know we will play for sure.

      1. 8:30-9:00. Gridlocked will be first while people are filling in. Ctf, and Team Slayer or a suggestion.
      2. 9:00-9:30 Cave Freaks.
      3.9:30-10:00 Conquest on Terminal
      4.10:00-11:00 Cat n' Mouse and Tremors on Valhalla
      5.11:00-11:30 CTF on High Voltage
      6.11:30-12:00 The Lost Chamber will indefinitely be played last before I become totally open to suggestions.
    13. ZANDER1994
      I was playing with some colors from fh and asked how to become a host. They said that I should just ask to be host and I'd have a likely chance of becoming one. I did. Now Vorpal is asking for a list and description of my party. This is what I have so far, and I'm going to send it to him in a second.
    14. ZANDER1994
      And also, do you think that the map would be sufficient for the amount of players in the TGIF?
    15. ZANDER1994
      FYI I'm making my maps to be played list right now. Who are the co creators?
    16. ZANDER1994
      Do they allow unfeatured maps to be played in TGIF's? This is my first time hosting. Also, I'd love to see Adrenaline. Tell me when you're testing it.
    17. ZANDER1994
      GD, I'm hosting at the next TGIF, and wanted to be able to play High Voltage there. Will it be done by next week Friday?

      Btw, we played it yesterday with drak and everybody loved it but him. Idk why. Me and playahata think it's feature worthy. I could make a vid for you. But it'd just be a flythrough while people are playing, not necessarily a montage.

      EDIT: Oh wait, drak is doing that. Nevermind.
    18. drak
      I'm tyring, and he's telling me to go **** myself..
    19. bobsagetismyhro
      hurry up and get it. lol.
    20. drak
      tell him to remove it!!!
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  • About

    Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Miami, Florida
    Fighting Crime
    GD27 ShockWav3
    I am a teenager that likes playing baseball, forging and messing around with my friends.

    Playing baseball, forging, building things and drawing.
