TGIF is when members of Forgehub host various parties in Halo 3 (and sometimes Far Cry 2) that are run by either color-ranked members or members that are trusted. These custom games are held on Friday on a bi-weekly time frame. They're a load of fun and be sure to look for the next one which will be held this upcoming Friday (the 26th). A sign up thread will be posted sometime before then, so you can take part of it. ;) Here's an example thread for you to view you'll be ready.
yeah im alittle pissed im not at my house running three computers and my xbox i would post like 6 maps up. On threads and im disapointed that i didnt get half of my greatest map to come finished
We're staff members that run various events here on Forge Hub. Such as; Thank God its Forgeday (TGIF), Sig of the Week (SOTW)/ Sig of the Year (SOTY), Template Contest, and so forth.