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Feb 18, 2015 at 10:24 PM
Jan 21, 2008
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Sep 14, 1993 (Age: 31)
Wichita, Kansas
Goddard High School Student (Freshman)

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Ancient, from Wichita, Kansas

Senior Member
Kronos was last seen:
Feb 18, 2015
    1. NOV3D
      Message to all Berserker's you all must start downloading people maps in are forum and test them! Its your job. So far the only berserker to do this is Esorath and I thank him for that but he alone can not keep up with all the maps that need to be ratted so step up your game other berserker's! If you are going to rate a map that someone has asked us to on are forum post after there post stating that you will take care of it.

      If you do not remember what your job is. It is to check the forum when ever you get on fogrehub and if someone is asking to have his or her map ratted and you can do it reply back saying you will do it and then test there map and review it. After you are done testing and have posted the review on their maps thread send me a message so i can and it to the list!
    2. NOV3D
      For the team you must put a link to the Forum in you signature and if you want you can make your avatar the same pic as what your rank is on the team.
    3. NOV3D
      Hi [Kronos].
      I am a ForgeHub Judge Team Leader who is in charge of posting and much more. I have just finished are forum and are team is now going online. So that means everyone has a chance to be on the team. So if you think that you have any specific talents or just think you would be good for a certain spot on the team please send a message to me or just post in are FORUM.
      Thank you for your time.

      ForgeHub Executioner
    4. FrankFries
      YouTube - Narwhals
    5. Dow
      Your signature offends me. Could you please change it? If not I am afraid I will have to ask a mod about it
    6. ShaddoBlade
      If you click on the map file, and then copy and paste that address, it will take you directly to the map. Just so you know.
      -Your friendly neighborhood Shaddoblade
    7. ShaddoBlade
      Yo, your Foundation link leads to your Demolition file set in your fileshare. You should prolly change that. Just letting you know. :)
    8. Powerslave
      can you explain to me how to make the cleaner link.
      i dont really get it.
    9. EvilQuiggles
      Dude I really need your help on posting the pictures all i have on there is the download
    10. xSharpshooter94
      get skype and get on.
    11. xSharpshooter94
      hey do you have skype if so add me. my name is Andrew Finelli
    12. Shedo
      Finally dude your back lol. Its been awhile.
    13. Linubidix
      I'll be the first to say it, welcome back.
    14. SE7ENS1NS4M
      Hey can i have your GT, if you're still down to work on cs_office?
    15. Kronos
      Nope. I Are Not. Happyface.
    16. xSharpshooter94
      kronos is no longer a warned dude.
    17. pianoman674
      thanks a bunch for those helpful templates. I'm new to the forum, so those were really nice to have.
    18. bluepenguin23
      hey why do you think my thread shuold be locked? there is nothing wrong with it. if you don't like it don't post in it ok? it got seriously annoying when everyone was like fail and stuff but i thought that had gone away cause they did what i said. don't post if you don't like. k?
    19. Playerhata27
      No instead of er t the end its an a so its : MLGLR playahata
    20. Kronos
      De N sane 1, I sent him a PM about it earlier. :)
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  • About

    Sep 14, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Wichita, Kansas
    Goddard High School Student (Freshman)
    Kronos 001
    I'm 15, my birthday is on September 14th, and I was born in 1993. I lived in Arizona until I was 2, then we moved to Nevada, then to here when I was 4 or 5. I'm 5' 9" and have Brown hair. Yep.

    Gaming, Tennis, Computer, Hanging Out With Friends, etc.


    > Thanks to the interwebs for my sig <
    Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit...unnatural? You know what I mean? It's nature. How do you make nature against the ****ing law? - Bill Hicks
    I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out. - Bill Hicks