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Sep 3, 2010 at 1:58 PM
Oct 19, 2008
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Senior Member
EonsAgo was last seen:
Sep 3, 2010
    1. Blue Pariot
    2. Catmon
      Lol, makes sense. I love how I'm in there with just 4 shouts.
    3. TDH
    4. Nitrous
      I'm going to college to get my PhD. in evolutionary biology.
    5. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      *cough* Chombie *cough*

      There's no point. It's stopped anyway.
    6. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Yes, but people will think it's because CHUCK's Sister told me to, not because I did it on my own.
    7. idiotninja
      Yeah, it looks like you are really goo din this stuff. I should learn more, because physics won't help me with most, "The bible is 100% true" people. Oh and good choice with the Agnosticism. I feel like it is the most sensible choice, but I feel the chance of god existing in any of the ways described in any religion is just to small. If someone asks me do I believe god is untrue I will say no, but the only god I will ever say is a possibility is the god that started the universe. I hope M-Theory dashes that though. I feel a little left out of the conversation though, I don't know much about this stuff. (>_>)
    8. idiotninja
      Yeah, I've heard of this book, I think it was a book that came out ofter The God Delusion (which I'm getting for Christmas!, I know I know its ironic). He seems to base all his fact on this one book, also when he says things about evolution are false he does not give examples. I must say you were owning him though, makes sense why you like bio.
    9. idiotninja
      He also is trying to mix faith with facts (no offense).
    10. idiotninja
      I know, I was yelling at him on his profile. I believe you are in the right. Check these vids out for some facts. Watch 3-8. Helps a LOT!
    11. Boyle06
      what... is ur reasoning to that... i said if u dont want to have faith... then u should be an atheist... b/c relgion is based on faith... if god came down and said high every one... im god and all u atheist are stupid shits.... then their would be no reason for relgion and faith.... plz... use some knowledge when trying to twist my word... atheist are illogical... and in no way more factuall the relgious ppl... their more dense... and a world without something more than the gov. to keep ppl in line is FAIL... if i was atheist i would be a jackass and have no moral structure... b/c the only thing that could actually control me was my parent... and i would think all that mattered was how happy i was at the time...

      oh and plz no comment on my use of ellipsis or "..." if ur a dumb teenager like i would presume... hopefully i havent made an enemy or come across as an ass and plz no hard feelings... and excpect me not to comment back if u reply
    12. smitty0018
      I'll do it later tonight, I gotta go somewhere for an hour or two.
    13. smitty0018
      I'll try, I haven't looked in there in a while so I won't be caught up. Let me read a bit.
    14. smitty0018
      I'm pretty sure he did. He's pretty gullible if he thought that I was serious...
    15. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Wii Remote Accessories | Nintendo Wii Accessories | Wii Remotes

      They even have lightsabers.
    16. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Hard to tell if it's a Wii.

      What about this? I'm thinking about getting it after Christmas.

    17. Frag Man
    18. Frag Man
      Frag Man

      Put this as your avatar now.
    19. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Just to let you know, I do care. I just disliked the guy who was complaining.

      Thanks anyway.
    20. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      A point where?

      I hate Taco Bell.
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