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Aug 11, 2022 at 2:18 PM
Apr 26, 2008
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May 27, 1989 (Age: 35)

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Fuzzy Little Man Peach, Male, from Indiana

Senior Member

Sure is dusty in here. Jul 21, 2017

ShaddoBlade was last seen:
Aug 11, 2022
    1. Number 117
      Number 117
      Thanks, just wish these little bitches like aces of spade would wake up and smell the coffee. He's telling me I don't know what I am talking about cause he thinks I am a lower rank then him. What an idiot. Other people deserved that feature more than val, and it's just not fair. I received an infraction for my comment, but who gives a ****, what's an infraction.
    2. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      LOL. THAT'S HILARIOUS, RIGHT AFTER you posted about that in the thread, I just pm'd you about it. Thanks a lot man.
    3. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      lol Did you actually think I finished it that fast? LOL. I was just messing around with my sig options, and decided I should think of a name for a map. I just don't want it taken now. I'm gonna send you a pm.
    4. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      lol That's why I was wondering, cause that vid was pretty funny.
    5. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Where did you get your sig from was it from this vid?

      Youtube Vid
    6. AceOfSpades
      hey could you plz comment on my map? the one you're looking at?
    7. Toxic Spade
    8. Picceta
      Thanks, and I thought about it but I'd rather not. It was really the look I was going for with the map to make it look cleaner :]
    9. last_chaos_7
      hey dude add me on x-box live (my gamertag is Last Chaos 7, I would like you to show me anything else that could be improved for my version of Divine-Chaos
    10. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Yo man, those are all his friends posting in his thread I guess. I guess they assumed I sent you in to clear it out or something. Cause after your comment they came into my thread and tried to make the map sound bad.
      Which actually resulting in this guy making a dumb comment which he could not justify. That's how I knew something fishy was going on.

      Like does he think the castle morphs in game or something?
    11. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      I'm not sure about what time it is for you. But here it's about 8:00pm so I am in Eastern time. Are you available Saturday at like 9:00pm Eastern time? I am looking for serious testers. I've redone the weapon layouts so I want to see how it works. We will probably be playing 3 games straight. One assault, ctf, and then territories. The weapon layout now seems about fair, so we can also try team slayer.
    12. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      I've gone and corrected the problem. I am not sure what weapon I will put there though. For now I have a hammer placed there. It may change to a rocket launcher.

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  • About

    May 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Rogue Shaddo
    I love music, video games, and high-speed internet.