desert rat 852
Last Activity:
May 4, 2009 at 9:09 PM
Feb 20, 2008
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desert rat 852

Ancient, from Onyx(Seriously, a town called Onyx)

Senior Member
desert rat 852 was last seen:
May 4, 2009
    1. Soren515
    2. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      I has Great news! Teh 360 will be back on Mon. or Tues. wOOt!
    3. Soren515
      lolol you said coax. I will probebly wiat for you to forge in anyway
    4. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      If I can coax my friend across the street to let me borrow his Xbox360, I will be there. Dont count on it, because my friend can be stubborn about his games
    5. Soren515
      Its mostly my projecct that i want help from zack and you. Spec Ops will be there. U should help me. Or i kill u. And Give you Dial Up internet.
    6. HandiCappKill3r
    7. HandiCappKill3r
    8. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      I remind you that you stole that copter from me, and my roflcopters are powered by the Epic Powers of a 360 running Halo3! And so, your engines should fail in 5...4...3...2...1...
    9. Soren515
      I get out early anyway so im out to. YOu may be forgetting that RRoD only effects xboxs and not my roflcopter. LOLOLOLOL Merry Christmas
    10. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      Also, by the looks of things, I may get my 360 back on Christmas Eve.
    11. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      You do know what my final, most destructive anti-internet weapon is? It is the very thing that has struck me down... your internet... has the RRoD!

      On a happier note, I am out of school 1 day early for Christmas Break! Thank God for Ice Storms!

      Merry Christmas!
      Desert Rat 852
    12. Soren515
      Nothing can beat the shield of dial up. Not even your puny vonage. I prevail in the end causing you to change your name and stealz pepoles internets because you dont have any. I hope you get back online ssooonnn. Or i will sadface. CHEERS phantom
    13. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      Man, the roads suck this time of year where I live...I mean, seriously, some higher power was screwing with me on the way home.
    14. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      But I have teh ultimate DIAL UP killer! U know what that is? Vonage bish! I crack your sheild and then I has my reconroflcopter back
    15. Soren515
      But no internet slang can penetrate the ultimate anti internet barrier around my copter. Do you know what its called. DIAL UP!! FEAR THE INTERNET KILLING DIAL UP POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    16. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      Inside those 20,000 roflmissles are 1000 warheads in each missile, all warheads containing the worst possible internet slang ever concieved! ROFLowned...
    17. Soren515
      I think it can because it has anti rofls shield around it that makes it invincible to all bad internet slang themed weaponry!~~ Sorry abour RRoD I hopez you get online soon or i have to kill you!
    18. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      I has RRoD I cantz...sry.

      but can your failcopter(lolz)stand up to 20,000 roflmissiles coming from every direction known to the universe?

      I think not...
    19. Soren515
      Sorry i haznt been on xbox to talk to you lololololzzz Rofl. But you should help me with my new map when i decide to make it. I will probebly forge over christmas break. Peace Phantom
      PS My rofl/ recon/ omegaawesome copter can beat yours any day of the week
    20. desert rat 852
      desert rat 852
      x2 scratch that... The RRoD fix I had last night was temporary. If my Box isnt back by Christmas, I will tear Microsoft out from underneath itself, bomb the hell out of the place, and more than likely end the world...

      JK, But I will be pissed, I have alot of games coming for Christmas, and that would suck to finally get Far Cry 2 and have to wait to play it because of MS's shitty console manufacturing.
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    Onyx(Seriously, a town called Onyx)
    Map Making, Heartbraking, and, recently, Machinima
    Desert Rat 852
    Airsoft, Skateboarding, Baseball



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