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Jul 1, 2016 at 9:39 AM
Feb 3, 2008
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Sep 3, 1991 (Age: 33)

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Senior Member
JSlayer7 was last seen:
Jul 1, 2016
    1. IcedFrappuccino
      We need to get some ideas for this infection map. I have a few. Next time you get on I will tell you.
    2. Yo Mommas Foot
    3. Yo Mommas Foot
      Yo Mommas Foot
      That's sad that your leaving here but I shouldn't care because your my friend on xbox live (LOL) !
    4. Yo Mommas Foot
      Yo Mommas Foot
      is it just me or are you always on Forgehub LOL anyways i think i might need some help with the elevator in my nxt map i have already started on it i just need maybe an extra person or two to hold things up while i save and quit.... anyways thats enough about me but how is Cryotron coming along ?????
    5. bobsagetismyhro
      hey I found something that I need you to put on your sig or avator. A lot of people have been wonderin who is in our crew, so If you could fit it in your sig or ava. then that would be muy bien. just type in FMC on google and find the logo
    6. EGP
      ya i saw them this year in st.louis, wolfgang is pretty good
    7. drak
      waoh....you got BF huh? cool..w/e
    8. EGP
      I never knew that you liked eddie van halen he is my favorie guitar player ever
    9. PhD_SpaZ
      Hey, I am captain of the grifball team Gaming So Hard, and i was wondering (if you have the time) if you would like to help my teammates and I forge our home court. It would be very much appreciated if you could help us, as we are all forge handicaped. Contact me through forge hub or one of these two gamertags:
      PhD SpaZ:myself
      Doc Status: My co-captain

      Thanks a lot and I hope I hear from you.
    10. STEClash96
      Did you get Recon for getting into Bungie favourites?
    11. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      o well you still got favs tho! lol, it was one of the first best ship maps right?, and now as you make new maps your name is already out there.
    12. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      haha your welcome, mbt is a beast group. I wish i was more active there sooner but im gonna be now, and thanks i almost dyed when i say metro as one of the maps for next week lol.
    13. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      congrats on making it to favs dude! finally good maps on bungie favs, and next week expect to see more good maps ;]
    14. bobsagetismyhro
      cool. I'm going to Oklahoma for the weekend. I leave saturday, so I could play on friday
    15. STEClash96
      I'm the one who told you dude. And Picceta got his map into it too. I just can't remember what it's called though. >:[
    16. bobsagetismyhro
      OMFG! That is awesome! do you have recon now?
    17. Picceta
      *hugs* we made it dude!
    18. bobsagetismyhro
      hey you wanna play grifball with me?
    19. bobsagetismyhro
      hey, how is the map coming a long?
    20. bobsagetismyhro
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  • About

    Sep 3, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Soccer, Guitar, Music, Sports in General, ... etc.
