Well, first i'd like to state that you always want SOME color in your sig. Because of this, i most certainly prefer the colored one. Its really rather a simple sig, i mean honestly, its just a stock with grunge brushes/chalk smudging.... As for suggestions, i would say that some selective blurring and sharpening could add some better depth, as well as it would be better if you had a background instead of just this smudge for that very same reason. Additionally, i dont like how your smudging went over the scope of the sniper.....it just looks bad for some reason. So really, what i'm saying is, add a background and remove the smudge.
Awww :( But Dunczorz fits so well. Oh well. K ill do that tomorrow i guess because i dont have any time left today.
As a matter of fact, my friend who requested the sig took the pic. He Was wearing full recon and stood in the stairway next to the green switch to open the bridge on longshore. i'm not really that much of a screenshot artist, and it just happens that i dont have recon.......so uh....yeah....
Here's my first attempt at popout, I think saving it as a JPEG messed up the 3D effect a little: [IMG]
It's not that important, but it would be nice if it's not too much trouble. I'm also gonna keep making sigs, so after I get a few more out, I can help with the shop if you like