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Apr 9, 2009 at 4:45 PM
Jul 23, 2008
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Senior Member
Elementalegend was last seen:
Apr 9, 2009
    1. thesilencebroken
      i was showing you that so you know that you dont ALWAYS need to fill open spaces with clutter just because someone says its a little open.

      you need a good balance of open space to allow breathing room for players. therefore, i DONT suggest filling that place on your map like that person was suggesting.
    2. thesilencebroken
      its an overview of most of the bungie maps, with the open areas circled.
    3. ForgeGod117
      "Okay, i have to get this off of my chest. I am sorry for reporting your post and getting you banned. I am glad it was anly a perma-ban. And Kromosome is a nice map." He said regretfully.
    4. thesilencebroken
    5. Tristan28
      Are you from LG? No wonder you are warned, spammer.
    6. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Lol, EZappa's post is right below mine on your page. He said he loved your avatar, I was agreeing with him.
    7. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Exactly what EZappa said, three monthes ago!
    8. EZappa
      I love your avatar, man. Stay lifted! =D
    9. LIGHTSOUT225
      I work on Sunday from 3 CST til 8 so let's shoot for Saturday. Anytime yall can play I'm sure we will be free
    10. LIGHTSOUT225
      Yeh 2 losses and you're out. We could possibly play tonight also, but I havent talked to Vice so I couldnt tell ya for sure
    11. LIGHTSOUT225
      Hey man we're up against each other again in the loser's bracket this week. They haven't updated the brackets, but I see we are playing each other. When can you and your partner play? I am at work/school from 10am CST - Midnight or so CST on Thursday and Friday. So unless ya'll wanna play at 1am tomorrow night, we may have to play Saturday
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    My Maps,

    2Corinthians CH4,8
    We are hard pressed on every side,but not Crushed;Perplexed,but not Abandoned;Struck,but not Destroyed.;)