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Dec 19, 2008 at 4:40 AM
Dec 16, 2008
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Senior Member
sk1LLz was last seen:
Dec 19, 2008
    1. sk1LLz
      i don't giveuh ****kkkkkk.. ur the one with massive post. I don't give a **** if i get banned!! dumb ****! ****** ass *****. go crying to your mom you little 16 old. Go **** your gumby action figure in the ass.
    2. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Dumbass, you're supposed to click on my profile and tell me those messages.

      You're such a dumb ****.
    3. sk1LLz
      BTW, spam IS spam. So why are you spamming? thats a rule too im sure. "dipshit"? hahahahhahhaah who uses that word? hahahahaha. Only faggots do.
    4. sk1LLz
      hahahahah, first of all. I'm not looking up **** on youtube.. your little ***** gumby ****... nor your age on your profile. Why bother? you could be lying anyways.. and 16 is stillll young and immature. Look, you have gumby as your avatar and sig. thats a kid show for youngins like 10 year olds.... hahaha what a kiddd.. i'm not a noob.. maybe on this site yeah.. i was administrator on a very famous/popular PSP website. i wasn't telling you off.... i was just talking **** and making you look stupid.... hahahaha.. dumbass... LATER!
    5. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Wow, you are some kind of stupid aren't you?

      I don't even have over 9000 posts, it's just a pretty famous line from youtube, look it up. Besides, I only got like 290.

      I'm not even 12 yrs. old if you actually went to my profile to see that it says I'm 16.

      Also, most of my posts are informative. The reason I typed necropost like that was because I was telling you a rule you broke in some sort of funny spammy way. You're just a noob coming onto this site.

      Before you try to tell someone off, be sure to know your facts first dipshit.

      Welcome to Forge Hub.
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