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Sep 3, 2010 at 1:58 PM
Oct 19, 2008
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EonsAgo was last seen:
Sep 3, 2010
    1. smitty0018
      I'm not emo ha. I just seem like I'm fighting a hopeless battle against Nitrous even if I'm not trying to do so. Thanks for the support though.
    2. Whisper
      Think about what we were discussing before my post. (Hint: Sex)
    3. Whisper
      ....Dude. It's SO obvious.
    4. dented_drum
      Haha, thanks. I just found that picture on a t-shirt site. I absolutely had to have it as a sig.
    5. Nitrous
      That is perfectly alright. I hope you find yourself.
    6. Nitrous
      So he'll put you through torture and then reward you which would make him a good god? If a man began beating you vigorously and your father stood and watched for half an hour while you kicked and screamed and yelled for his rescue and finally when he springs into action it is only after the man got tired and walked away, would you be grateful?

      Personally...no. I would think him a coward for stepping in only after the brutal beating was over. Now imagine he lifts you to your feet and says, "My boy, you now have a choice, you can accept me as the person who saved you or you can refuse and I'll call the man back over here." Which really isn't a choice in my opinion, you don't want to be beaten anymore but the man certainly didn't save you. It's like paying your taxes so the government can save you from prison. Stupid.
    7. Nitrous
      Then he is malevolent.
    8. Nitrous
      I do not see how you accounted for those arguments at all.
    9. Linubidix
      I laughed so hard at that.
    10. Linubidix
      lol, Squid's was win.
    11. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Indeed it is :D
    12. Shatakai
      Haha, sweet. First time I've been sigged.
    13. Catmon
      Thanks for saying happy birthday, man!
    14. Pigglez
      no problem XD
    15. idiotninja
      Yeah DNA intrigues me, but I like things that deal with the scope of the universe more. (^_^)
    16. idiotninja
      Yeah even though I am taking all those classes they are not AP. The only ones I am taking next year are AP World history (My last credit!) AP calc BC, and AP Bio. So only four. Yeah, but the Semester classes might have a lot of work. Yeah as long as you don't obsess over the religion it shouldn't make you an different! So why do you like bio?
    17. idiotninja
      Yeah in my school you don't have to take Bio before AP bio, but AP Bio is a double period class so it evens out. I can't fathom AP English/Lang. That stuff is so hard and boring. Yeah in my school they have magnet classes which are year long classes in one semester. So I am taking Quantum physics one semester and Thermodynamics the other. On a different period I am taking Analysis of algorithms one semester and computer graphics the next. So I can't wait for next year. On the Debate don't worry about it! (^_^) I mean if you question your beliefs you can only learn or solidify them. Not asking questions is living in ignorance. (>_>) Also you can always become agnostic or atheist.
    18. idiotninja
      Ahh I have to take AP Bio next year. Have you already taken it?
    19. idiotninja
      Why do I need friends? Yeah that stuff is pretty interesting! I am sure that there is exceptions to all laws on earth. When things get really small or move really fast the laws just don't work anymore. I am pretty sure black holes do this also. But yeah I love this stuff. I am trying to take a quantum physics class next year, but I only ever see seniors in the calss so they may not let me in.
    20. dented_drum
      Of course. I wasn't being serious either. Merely a joke.
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