Toxic Spade
Last Activity:
Nov 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Aug 21, 2008
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Yelling at little kids on xbox live.

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Toxic Spade

Ancient, from Here

Senior Member
Toxic Spade was last seen:
Nov 1, 2010
    1. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Haha, no prob. Without a Gauss which would be ideal, I would also suggest a Wraith. It should be a little more balanced. The Tank is like point and destroy, the wraith needs a little more finesse.
    2. LIGHTSOUT225
      if you still wanted heavy arms Id put a wraith
    3. LIGHTSOUT225
      both when coming from the attacker's base and from the teleporter room. It takes more than 3 missile pod shots to take the scorpion down, and an good scorpion won't let that happen. There wasn't even a gunner in the scorpion either, just the driver and his cannon
    4. LIGHTSOUT225
      i dont think i do because ive been forging alot. is it that hard to believe that the tank does some spawn killing tho lol? its very detrimental to the map.
    5. Novak
      Sorry, its off the recent games list. Lightsout might have it, you can try asking him. I have to go, but I can answer your questions in a few hours.
    6. RaBBiiTTT
      Why didn't you put barriers on the half part of Castlanche? It may affect the gameplay. Don't take any risks.
    7. Yo Mommas Foot
      Yo Mommas Foot
      I think that Castlelanch is gonna get featured ..
    8. Yo Mommas Foot
    9. Gun Down
      Gun Down
      So about 1981 Dl thats a lot. To bad not everyone that is viewing your post is DL.
    10. Gun Down
      Gun Down
      8,000 views dang. Thats a lot of views. About how many Dl
    11. DeathToll77
      defenders, but IDK though it is a hard problem to deal with, without throwing the whole game off.
    12. bobsagetismyhro
      how do you make that slide show in your sig?
    13. DeathToll77
      I assume you mean castlelance (or however you spell it) Well I think it went pretty well, I did notice that once the bomb had been planted it was almost impossible to defuse it. The only way to fix this is to move the point, make a spawn area close to the bomb, or make a special gametype. Oh and btw did you have a budget glitched avalance then deleted everything?
    14. DeathToll77
    15. bobsagetismyhro
      hey once again I am sorry about now forging with you, but some of knew group members wanted to see if you would like to join our crew of mini game/ comp. games. we make maps together. If you actually want to then you can finish your map and join, its up to you if you actually want to in the first place
    16. bobsagetismyhro
      now that I have your attension, I am building a Avalanche map with camoflaug (creator of Sewage Lines), but he is finishing a map and it will be awhile, so I was wondering if you would like to build a collaborated map with me on Avalanche. Ps if you didn't see my post on the thread I invited you too, i replied.
    17. Gun Down
      Gun Down
      Dude your castlelanche has 5,221 views from when I post this. I see a feature on the horizon.
    18. Tristan28
      Check out my cap card skills
    19. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      You, sir, have created the greatest promotional campaign with your Castlanch map that I have ever seen. I still have to play on it before posting (although it looks like the most amazing Avalanche map yet from the thread), but I just wanted to express through messaging how amazing it is that it's been released for only one day and already has six pages of replies and over 5,000 views. Even if people find the promoting annoying or in bad taste (which I really don't), there's no denying that you've broken some sort of record.

      You need to go into the marketing business.
    20. Psycho
      Uber 1337 review
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  • About

    Yelling at little kids on xbox live.
    Toxic Spade
    I've made a ton of maps on Halo 3. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it come to forging so I take forever to forge. I absolutely HATE map variants that are made on foundry, mainly because it's over used. If you need help with forging just send me a message! My GT is the same as my username!



    | Castlanche - [​IMG] - Bungie Favs - Best Non Foundry (Winter 08) |