Randle Scandal
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Feb 3, 2023 at 11:56 AM
Jun 8, 2008
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Oct 16, 1991 (Age: 33)
Planet Telex

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Randle Scandal

Ancient, from Planet Telex

Senior Member
Randle Scandal was last seen:
Feb 3, 2023
    1. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      A foo u never let me stop talking.Im telling you that within the last 7 months my life and my family changed.This is what i do now. do legal graffiti,have spend time with gf alot,my mom has a bf and she changed her hours now i get to see her alot,my sis is still a *****.but i was on jv foot ball team at my school but now the seasons over,i have a job with my uncle fixing diesels.I got a xbox last year 4 christmas.And a computer i had 4 awhile.Just becuase i was in a gang doesnt mean im poor to.And i talk like this becuase it stuck to me.I try talk regual but it still comes out.
    2. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      Im not pertending.Foo u dont even no me.And the camera is a cell fone.its not even mine.Its my cuzsins.And your telling me that cuz im mexican white people think were gangsters hahahahaha.You a lame.We call people like you levas.I use be in a gang called wlc.but i got out cuzsin i was gettin in to much trouble.And y would i pretend to be a gangster.all that **** did for me is get me locked up.I dont bang anymore.I told foo.

      And boxing does help for quickness ,blocking,and hiting.
      .Your acting like u no my life.U dont homie
    3. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      WTF foo.Hugging **** that.
    4. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      How in the **** im a being arrogant son of *****.I was telling you wut i went through.And i tellin u nicelly.But damn homie.Its hard to see **** when you dont have a dad foo.And a mom you never get to see.And a sister thats a *****.Ud not be able to live in my shoes foo.And i dont think im the **** either.And your talking **** on a website.HAHAHAH your a lame homie
    5. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      Oh yea i got into halo big time too.
    6. oO SLiK Oo
      oO SLiK Oo
      I was boxing for a year ina half.But i stopped becuase my trainer was dumb.But i only fight if people talk smack about me.I dont talk smack but if people think i am talking.I dont care i fight.But last year and beging of the year i was in the gang life.I got out of them becuase i notice being in a gang just makes u a *****.Its like a game,At first your coming up then the middel of the game your big and bad then after the game you life can be dead or over with.But now im just a tagger and staying out of that ****.Im not a poser either.But now im just chill guy.But still if people talk i wount be scared.But yea, i im a cool guy though.
    7. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Can anyone have a .gif as their avatar?
    8. Frag Man
      Frag Man
    9. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Frappacinno? Yea I know. He is, so I pulled a couple a moves to get him to start insulting me. Then reported him, and score for the warn.
    10. ch33s3yboy
      Hmm... Did you choose that?
    11. ch33s3yboy
      Well, is your IRC broken or something, because otherwise any type of instant messenger is acceptable.
    12. KB
      I know. The only reason I played Castle Crashers for as long as I did
    13. KB
      castle crasher ninja, ftw!!!!
    14. ch33s3yboy
      I will be doing the IRC interview with you...

      Join #fhtestersguild from 7pm-1am EST

      Inform me of anything else you need to know.
    15. Mastar
      Lol, I'm a New Zealander
    16. Mastar
      =D Thanks mate.

      I've been "legal" since I was 16, but now I can buy alcohol, cigs n' porn.
    17. LOCK.xcf
      no not any more, i will still take requests though
    18. Dr. Chombie
      Dr. Chombie
      Checked. December 4th.
    19. Dr. Chombie
      Dr. Chombie
      December 4th for me lol.
    20. Dr. Chombie
      Dr. Chombie
      when did you say your warning expires?
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  • About

    Oct 16, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Planet Telex
    Randle Scandal
    Well, I'm Randy Campbell, and I enjoy music, and hanging with friends... yeah

