Thats extremely good, i hope to be as good as you one day. How long have you been vectoring. Also, i love how its vectored, yet the colored segment are gradients, its looks professional. this is a segment of my next one: L0xx Pl0xx? Waaaay problematic
So you xbox is set up for all the massive HD stuff? You're not using HDMI.... it must be your T.V. ( as is that specific input)
are you using an HDMI cable? I have the same problem on my smaller 19 inch one.(no that is not the one I was talking about earlier)
inorite? I really want a blu-ray player and that movie for Christmas...... On my HD TV with Dolby Digital surround sound through fiber optics [/brag]
Really? I have seen it 3 times in the theater. I always forget that the body smashes into the glass and I always jump.....
I asked my girlfriend for my virginity back and all she did was laugh and say "No, no, it's mine now babe." What do I do :'(.