Toxic Spade
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Nov 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Aug 21, 2008
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Yelling at little kids on xbox live.

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Toxic Spade

Ancient, from Here

Senior Member
Toxic Spade was last seen:
Nov 1, 2010
    1. Pegasi
      Same as my username here
    2. H3C x Nevz
      H3C x Nevz
      Believe it or not, most people do. My map, Fissure, was completed about three weeks ago, and was started in April. However, advertising is still against the rules. I don't recall spending "a fair good time in there," I was just browsing. If I have something to say on a map, I'll say it.
    3. H3C x Nevz
      H3C x Nevz
      How many people are you messaging to get attention for your maps? I saw it once, and it was okay, but if I actually forgethrough something I'll offer feedback. That's my decision as to what I forgethrough though.
    4. Pegasi
      Go for it.
    5. Linubidix
      I've had a look at the thread, I'm eager to get a game on it. I can't download right now because I have 100 custom content but as soon as I get on and clear some space, you can guarantee I'm downloading it.
    6. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Oh ok well sorry I pissed you off that wasn't my intention. I think you know why I said what I said. Maybe we can be friends?
    7. Pegasi
      It's a pretty damn high number, so props. The Non-Foundry tag seems to draw people in, pity it's so hard to make a non-Foundry map that gets as noticed download wise.
    8. Pegasi
      Ah I wouldn't beat yourself up about it too much, most maps get a much higher amount of views than downloads, sadly the way it goes. But I liked what I saw on my forgethrough, it had a nice feeling to it as a map and looked very appealing, nice to move around. I'm not that much of a fan of such heavy vehicles on maps this size. But then again I'm not much of a vehicle user anyway, so when I've got some games in with full teams (my friends are much more vehicle-happy, so I'll be able to see how they fit in alot better with all of us and some full games) I'll let you know my thoughts on how the map plays in general. Good gameplay is by far the hardest aspect of a great map, but I'm looking forward to trying this out.
    9. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Look man did you see my edit. I actually looked at your map before I rated it and explained why I said what I said. Come on if you look at the edit you will understand why I did. It probably did take that long to build but you dont need that for people to appreciate your work.
    10. GladiateSmiths
      Saw it in the forums, that... no words, just incredible. It's in my que, I promise, it'll be the first one I download when I fix my RRoD.
    11. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      See my edit to your map. I wasnt trying to embarrass you
    12. GladiateSmiths
      Hey, what's up?
    13. H3C x Nevz
      H3C x Nevz
      Huh? I think you messaged the wrong person.
    14. Playerhata27
      I just came to say the castlanche is an outstanding map. I don't have words to espress my true feelings of this map, for its a map that I've never think I've seen. I will fight for its feature, which it will probably get sooner ot later.
    15. Adelyss
      Nope I'm Adelyss =p..My Gamertag is my halo 3 forum names so yeah. Wrong person.
    16. bobsagetismyhro
      just wanted to say that castalanche was outstanding, hope tio see it get FEATURED! hey im building this one map on foundry wanna help me forge it?
    17. Pegasi
      It's possible, but I still have a couple of Foundry maps I need to finish, and a ghost town one from ages ago which I might revisit. It's been a while since I've forged properly, but (worst comes to worst) I'll be back with a vengeance once Sandbox comes out.
    18. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      will you be working on more avalanche maps?
    19. Pegasi
      Nice to hear, man. Thanks . It's a pity that Clive is so subject to item deletion glitches, right up against the item limit, but I've learned to plan more from it.
    20. Pegasi
      Sounds like a plan. I think it'l help bring in the downloads, people love shiny pictures above all else, sigh...
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  • About

    Yelling at little kids on xbox live.
    Toxic Spade
    I've made a ton of maps on Halo 3. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it come to forging so I take forever to forge. I absolutely HATE map variants that are made on foundry, mainly because it's over used. If you need help with forging just send me a message! My GT is the same as my username!



    | Castlanche - [​IMG] - Bungie Favs - Best Non Foundry (Winter 08) |