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May 27, 2011 at 7:20 PM
Apr 18, 2008
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Ancient, from Hemisphere

Senior Member
SPAGETTII was last seen:
May 27, 2011
    1. zombified panda
      zombified panda
      You've been on here a while, how do you become a play tester, i love custom's!!
    2. Whisper
      Why does that need sharpening? There's nothing wrong with it.
    3. Whisper
      Don't have time until this weekend, sorry.
    4. FrankFries
      I think I saw you on Fiesta weekend.
    5. Whisper
      Ya, I rule.
    6. Whisper
    7. Blaze
      Did you ever get that image finished? with the third picture but not the clouding around the outside?
    8. version2
      that is cool man I love it thanks
    9. Boyle06
      climb back up to win. (there are 7 shoots with habit on on the side or in faded text on top or something) the distance for one shoot to the other will have 12 spaces between it with the value of what a put on the paint img. for ALL SIDES. the 7 habit (you can look them up "7 habits for highly effective teens) are placed in the spaces like shown in the other paint img.) does that make more sense... colorful and well made would be a plus BUT beggers cant be choosers so what ever you can do IF YOU DO IT will be fine. some1 else may be trying this but idk he make be pulling my leg.
    10. Boyle06
      okay... it is due mon so u will have the weekend... basically.. we r building a board game mine is a lot like trivia pursuit (look it up if u want) the players all spawn in the 7 habit circle and depending on which habit they are dictates which shoot ( made up of 3 lose your turn squares) next they will roll the dice to determine where they will go next moving clockwise... if they land on a 25,20,15,10,5 square and answer the question they are give right they recieve that amount of pts. and its the next persons turn. when some1 get 500 (per say) pts. they will have to get back to their shoot and
    11. Boyle06
      lol i made a thread... and stuff but thx if u wanna go look at my recent threads
    12. Boyle06
      ya i think i like that better and it won't TEAR through my ink thank you MWAHH... that wasn't kiss i swear it was an evil laugh... or some... other thing... OKAY it was kiss... lol u can haz monument... look on google earth in bout 6 month it will be there
    13. Boyle06
      thats really good...can you put the habits in the backgroung like behind the seven and at a slight angle with a white circle around it... sorry... but i dont have photoshop and am a perfectionist... if not STILL THANK you and this will work

      Edit: NVm i looked it again this if fine THANK YOU

      Edit: i suppose if u want to make it like that u can and add something else so it doesn't kill too much red ink... but u dont have too
    14. Boyle06
      its for a game board i have to make in school... can u do like a big 7 with a habits going through it at an angle and then some stuff to make it look nice to put on the back of the cards... so make it like card shaped and all... and try not to over due it since i dont wanna run outa ink... i need to print bout 112'ish... so if you could that'd be great... if u wanna be extra kind u could do the board too... but if not the cards r plenty good... THNK U so much... if u dont wanna do either i understand to... But if u wanna do the board it will take bout 20 mins prob unless ur fast and i can link u the pics and draw a quick sketch of the shape n all... so if would like to message me asking for the said stuff...
    15. Boyle06
      hey can u photoshop something 4 me per chance... nothing complex... 10 min job is fine i dont have photoshop... and i suck w/ paint...
    16. LOCK.xcf
      both are pretty good, but i've really moved on from halo 3.
      Why don't you have an xbox?
    17. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      thanks man, but i've already figured out how to make awesome sigs, i've still put the one you made me in the spoiler box because it is pretty awesome.
    18. SE7ENS1NS4M
      hey, if you use gimp, how do you do those cirlces your did in your sig(for sotw) is it a brush or what?
    19. Lord Terrax XII
      Lord Terrax XII
      New G and A site created by HellsRequiem and I. Plz join. The link is:
      Edit this text via the Admin Control Panel • Index page
    20. Mallet
      You won SOTW. Congrats.
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