Frag Man
Last Activity:
Sep 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
    1. mauserman
      dude i was kidding
      1 of my friends does it but i really dont mind but i can complain if you want me too
    2. mauserman
      oh ok but i complain a lot
    3. mauserman
      I've got my own problems, and yet I don't complain unless people ask for it. If you want me to rant about all my problems, then go ahead and ask.
      let me here faggie
    4. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      It's not flaming. It's the only way to get you to ****ing listen.

      See how you're tired of arguing? Take this wonderful oppurtunity to listen to the following words that I type;

      Tell your parents you're upset. Tell them why. Go over with them the reasons why. Quit arguing over every meaningless point in an effort to further your self confidence, your mindset of your own intelligence or whatever the **** reason you're arguing for and just hold that ****ing mouth of yours instead of antagonizing next time you feel the urge.

    5. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D


      Who gives a ****. It's your life, stick up to yoru dictator of a mom, and tell her what you want to do. What kind of childhood do you have being "chained to a desk"? Education is important but she's setting you up for a horrid life, if your attitude now is any indication.

      Tl;dr Stick up for yourself *****. I can tell you want to be a lawyer, but you're gonna need a bit of social experience before heading in that direction.
    6. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      You assume all your problems coem from your situation at your house.

      Do. Something. Not everything is restricted to what you think. Get a job. Earn money. Buy things. Go out in public. Meet people. Socialize. Do something with your life.

      It's like talking to a ****ing wall, you don't listen.
    7. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Then go help them out with all their difficulties. Mow some lawns, make some money, get a job, do something with your life other than argue (badly).

      There are so many more possibilities for you to take other than sitting alone in your room debating aimlessly on your computer. For goodness sake, go sign up for public football or something?!
    8. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Wow. That must suck ****.

      Maybe that's why you're socially retarded here on the site? Go find some neighbors to hang out with or something, because you definitely not learn how to convey yourself to be acceptable to the general public the way you are now, my word.
    9. EGP
      dont leave FH i dont have a problem with you stay here
    10. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      There's school. Or are you a douchebag there, too?

      Your original post refers to banning. Your later comments refer to my visitor message below, with the "WAAAAH". Lol.
    11. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Disregard this. My last vistor message wasn't showing up, so I lol'd more.
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      "WAAAAH No one likes me, let's reassure this statement by making a poll and having people publically humiliate me and/or make some heartwarming statement in an attempt to have me change my attitude."

      You also managed to poorly insult the staff as you did so. I honestly cannot stop lol'ing at this atrocious fail.
    13. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      I don't ****ing care, it's hilarious still.
    14. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
    15. Mastar
      How you know I reporied its?
    16. Biggles2
      Oh right lol
    17. Biggles2
    18. Mastar
      Nah uh D:

      How did I get you an infraction anyway?
    19. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the Day:

      Wisdom is granted by paying sufferings.
    20. Mastar
      Merry Christmas! =]
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