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Dec 18, 2012 at 9:49 PM
Aug 12, 2008
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Ancient, from Wisconsin

Senior Member
Blaski45 was last seen:
Dec 18, 2012
    1. Reign
    2. Pegasi
      I've just checked and it seems you've got 3 permanent infraction points. I'm pretty sure that the ability to have a signature is one of the things removed when you get 3 points, and seeing as your 3 points are permanent then you won't ever get it back I'm afraid.
    3. Pegasi
      Ahhh right, I see. For that you either want to go to User CP (a link in the links bar near the top of each page, User CP is on the far left) and from there you can click edit signature in the left hand column. A slightly quicker way is to use the 'Quick Links' drop down menu in the same links bar, though it's on the right, under there is an edit signature options which takes you there right away.
    4. Pegasi
      If you mean where can you find someone to make you a signature, then this is where you want to be looking. Hope this helps.
    5. Boyle06
      WTF? IDK what ur talking about. you can add tags on the bottom of the topic if thats what you mean otherwise explain.
    6. Boyle06
      thats fine PM me ur email and ill add you
    7. Boyle06
      Blaski45, ive joined a website where you earn pts by answering polls and inviting friends and after 200 PTZ you can get a PSP or a WII and there is other stuff too. Ipods TVS and such also games. Anyways I would like to invite you if you send me your E mail i will invite you and you can earn stuff too. I have 47 PTZ and joined min. ago so you can see how easy it is. My freind already got a PSP and a WII with this site.
    8. Pegasi
      Wow, you're good at making friends now aren't you?
    9. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      It's quite obvious you didn't read the rules that I linked to you, nor did you even read the message itself.

      Complementing maps is perfectly fine, but you should always try give the person feedback, as no map is ever perfect. Just saying:

      "Looks great 5/5"

      or something along those lines isn't acceptable, as all it does it add a post to your post, and it doesn't help the original poster. It's not my rule, it's the forum's rule, and you have to follow it.

      Also, I wasn't flaming you, I was trying to help you. Most people don't tell the members what they did wrong, and that doesn't help them.
    10. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      You seem to have made a spam post, in this thread.

      I'm not exactly sure if you have been active within the past month or so, but as of April 26th, 2009, any replies to a map thread, that are:

      - composed of a single sentence
      - Includes a rating without reasonable justification
      - Shows no evidence of knowledge of the map in question other than that which can easily be seen from a glance at the pictures

      Are considered spam posts. Posts such as these are obviously not allowed, and as such they can be deleted by a mod, and an infraction may be given out as well.

      In future, please refer to the rules before posting, so you do not have to receive a nasty infraction, and the forum can benefit.

      ~ The Cheat ~
    11. the sbi elite
      the sbi elite
      hey :) thanks for the comment on my map: "MLG SANCT. V6" i changed the pics as you suggested, could you tell me what you think? thanks :)
    12. R0FLninja
      if it sucks so much, why dont you leave?.......and stop sending people bullshit spam.

      maybe you should talk to the mods about how much forge hub sucks, i bet they'd love to hear you ***** about everything.
    13. ShaddoBlade
      Wow dude. Glad I can have that much effect on you. Do you realize how weak you just made yourself look? You go ahead and keep doing what you do. I have already forgotten you.
    14. ShaddoBlade
      Just because you don't like the way a website is run doesn't mean you have to take it out on the rest of the members. People have done this before, and they will do it again, so don't think you're the first or that people will actually look up to you for it. So please, if you don't like the way this website is run, just leave. Don't ruin it for everyone else.
    15. Boyle06
      lol then u will get banned for a proxy account.... lol they will see they have the same IP... dont try.. u prob will just get warned... while how many ban points u have... here is the link... i really wanna make a non-foundry map.... like rats nest or Avalanche.... lol n u can use that method
    16. Blaski45
      no im not and if i do ill just make another account who cares. this website's mods suck
    17. Boyle06
      i just looked at ur profile lol... i still donno how u got those colors...??? have u seen the new way of GEO-merging some1 came up w/
    18. Boyle06
      lol u just Necro posted Redemption.... lol u gonna get banned lol
    19. DRiSCOLL
      mm ok?...
    20. KB
      i r teh pedo bear and I have come to rape your kids
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    Music Ed. Student
    StC Blaski45
    Halo 3 + Marching Band = All me Baby!

    Writing Music, Playing Music, and Playing Halo 3