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Jul 21, 2022 at 4:15 PM
Jan 26, 2008
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May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
Cheshire/North West, England B
Dalai Farmer

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Ancient, from Cheshire/North West, England B

Senior Member
buddhacrane was last seen:
Jul 21, 2022
    1. Mental
      Hey if he wants to keep the convo in one page it seems like a good idea to me... otherwise you can get easily confuzled and you are leaving people out of the LooP

      -I check back where i messaged because i want to make sure i remember what i said to get the response... Makes more sense 'IMO'

      Oh and look you passed up Fave Creaks "Cave Freaks" for second to last.... Keep up the good work.

      (the new avatar looks cool BTW)
    2. Mastar
      Even the pros make mistakes. Check out by page. See?

    3. Mastar
      Lol, I don't know why I got you and debo mixed up for a sec. It's the colour I guess :/

      By the way. You're supposed to go to people's profiles and comment on their visitor message boards not your own :D
      Otherwise they won't notice you have replied.

      Look down VVV xD
    4. buddhacrane
      My map's too cool for downloads!


    5. Mental
      Yeah wooo.... Distortion is the least downloaded map on Bungie Favorites.... Wooo....

      Not a good choice in my oppinion to throw it in with the all too familiar "Tremors" and "Cat'n'Mouse" varients. It is a much much MUCH higher standard and is in fact a REAL playing map... not a mini game... LoLz at your Fail for the most Downloads on BF'z
    6. buddhacrane
      Lol, I didn't make Interrobang Debo did. What made you think I made it?

      That "Zip Line" Idea is something I've known for a VERY long time. My first EVER puzzle map (made well over a year ago) used that very idea (almost exactly as you described) I never released that map publicly though. Even then my "Spartan Course" puzzle map (the very first puzzle map I released and is still on my fileshare today) uses the "Zip Line" concept again (for the very first puzzle no less).

      I'm not trying to say "OMG I'm the smartest" - Just letting you know that I've been aware of that trick for quite some time, it's just a trick that never really caught on.

      I would still go ahead and make it though, I've never seen it implemented usefully in a competitive map before.
    7. Mastar


      Your new distortion map.

      You stoled my thang!

      For my Lazy map makers contest map submission, I've made a "zipline" by placing grav lifts inside an open box and players jump into it and get stuck to it and drift across the gap.

      I haven't had the chance to play your new distortion map yet, (I look forward to it) but it seems you may have done a similar thing in the upside down room. It's hard to tell, but Grrrrr :P I don't think I was the first to do it. But I was excited because I was all like duuuude I'm the man, no one has done this I don't think. Then I see your map just now and I'm all like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
      ya kno?

      1000 character visitor message limit. my message continues belowVV
    8. Mastar
      I'm queing it now. Hopefully I don't have to hack your account and ban your file share ;]

      Any ways, I don't actually mind. (OR DO I?!) Teh new Distortion looks intense.

      Oh, and congratulations on Bungie Fazizavourites! Interrobang is one of my favourite maps. I've never played Green Fiends (I don't think I got that name right) but it sounds interesting.
      You managed to slip a budget glitched AND outside map boundaries map through eh? ;D nice.

      Will you get in trouble? I hope not.

      Oh and I'm really pissed off at you, do you know why? the rack on tours is ****ing ridiculous >:|
      lol, I can't pass it. Then again I didn't give it much of a go. But still. Rawr.

      I'm gonna check out Distortion tomorrow, its sleep time now though -__- I'm tired as a platypus.

      Good night. (this was a friendly message by the way and is not supposed to be interpreted negatively, so don't interpret it negatively or I'll bash you)

    9. buddhacrane
      Heh, no probs.

      Cool I can take that vid down now and show Draw The Line the 3 breaks I found on his new version of GridLocked he wanted me to test! Mwahahahaha
    10. LIGHTSOUT225
      ive fixed the mongoose breaks, but the rocket one you did Im gonna leave and see if it passes, as its pretty much un-fixable. damn you and your breaking skills! lol jk, i appreciate it
    11. ScarFac3d
      Oh god...*hurls*

      You my friend, have done it yet again.
    12. evan12075
      oh, so you are posting it. will the thread include why you remade it?? You made it a secret that needs to be revealed! nobody can stand it when they know there's a secret that they don't know about!

      anyway, I'll test this final version, I saw you updated the FFT thread. I'm sure it's fine if you are getting it posted already. But I'll try to catch any problems, even the slightest ones. From my understandings, you need this map to be perfect... for whatever reasons you won't tell us...
    13. buddhacrane
      Well you can still test it for me. I can always make sneaky changes under the radar!

      I just wanted to get it posted now since everything I wanted to add is done. The only changes that I'll make now, if any, will just be minor tweaks to fix things.
    14. evan12075
      ahh, you tricked me... I saw that you were creating a thread in the competitive maps...

      not posting it yet I guess?
    15. evan12075
      you are posting it now!? But i never got to test the latest version for you... ah well, I'm sure it's perfect by now anyway.
    16. buddhacrane
      When I'm ready, RAWR!!!
    17. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      So when is distortion v2 coming out?
    18. buddhacrane
      the name of the vegetable is "buddhacrane", dur. Hence "buddhacrane is a new form of vegetable".

      You silly billy.

    19. Gamerguy45
      What is the name of your vegetable?
    20. buddhacrane
      Lol, before 8pm for you would be like 4am for me. Not on a school night! (erm, work night doesn't sound as l33t) so I think you're safe.
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  • About

    May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Cheshire/North West, England B
    Dalai Farmer
    I'm a badger with Necrotizing fasciitis (You're so gonna look up what that is on Wiki!)

    Disturbing your mind, soul, body, aura and general well-being


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