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15y 13w ago
Sep 17, 2008
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ಠ_ಠ i see what you did thar
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Ancient, from ಠ_ಠ i see what you did thar

Senior Member
SoLo92 was last seen:
Dec 5, 2009
    1. SoLo92
      Microsoft time?
    2. ForgeGod117
      Hmmm mmmm. i just love dat win sauce. TKowned got owned. when are you coming out with new CSI. check out my blogs, whalloop.

      NEW AVATAR!!!
    3. SoLo92
      Click here to see REAL win sauce!!!
    4. Playerhata27
      Alright,cool. Hope it works for you.
    5. Playerhata27
      Yeah, lol it always works. Have you tried it yet?
    6. Playerhata27
      Yes, KOTH is a bummer at some times. My trick is memorize the all the hill points so when theres like 5 seconds left in a hill you will get the first 10 seconds in the next one until the other players come. Its usually a minute for hills to change, but for Lone Wolves it may be 30 seconds, or 2 minutes. Check the gametype in a custom just to make sure.
    7. Playerhata27
      No problem man. Just glad I could help.
    8. Doog Nit
    9. Playerhata27
      Well, that tends to happen. What I tend to do in situations where the opposing team, or players are more experienced, is roam the map. Try to steal kills (Yeah I know it sounds noobish), and just shoot anyone, even if you're certain you can't kill them, for you never know.

      Also, go for big power weapons, and common spots. Have an eye on areas most visited, and where people go to. Try to take control of that area with a power weapon, and just own them all. Also, try to watch spawns. If you know some spawns on a map use it to your advantage, its very tactical. Hope that helps.
    10. Playerhata27
      Thanks, man I'm really glad it helped you.
    11. Grif
    12. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Cuz it lags up my connection a bit if I have it on long enough
    13. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      If you checked out the live thing sorry I didn't end up forging. :(
    14. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Yea it's only LIVE when I'm hooked up with my cap card which is not very often. I just ut it there to show people when I'm forging n stuff. Speakin of which. I'll be forging later today I'll hook it up at around 6 PST or so.
    15. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      lol! slfhjgkldfjg
    16. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      yea but my brain is kinda.....AHHHH if ya know what I mean. Just imagine your map getting featured and you're getting congratulated and imagine your name is Doog imagine yourself imagining about your imagination..............confused? Well I am.
    17. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Thanks!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!
    18. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Yea it's not live yet. I'll do it either in a little bit or tomorrow if I lose another game. Startin to get pretty pissed my teammates are getting about 2 kills each and I'm gettin +20 each game. Reaaaaaaaly starting to get to me.
    19. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Hey msg me when you can check out my LIVE thing. I gotta show you this tight jump I just did. Itz crazy ninja stylezzzz!!!!1111
    20. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      lol yea I should talk to Obama about that economy solution :P