Draw the Line
Last Activity:
Jan 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM
Jan 14, 2008
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Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
Chicago, Illinois

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Draw the Line

Ancient, from Chicago, Illinois

Senior Member
Draw the Line was last seen:
Jan 3, 2013
    1. Forge Monster
      Forge Monster
      Wow I logged onto Forge Hub for the first time in a while and it's your birthday? That's awesome! Happy birthday man
    2. DRiSCOLL
      Happy birthday!
    3. Kidbomber
      im having a DTL re-drawl for amazing maps
      Happy birthday ;)
    4. drak
      happy bday to uuu
      happy b day to uuu
      happy b day meester DTL
      happy b day to u
    5. Pigglez
      Hmm... I feel like there is some sort of 2 worded phrase containing 13 letters, but I just can't remember...


      Ooo, I got it!!!

      Horny Shnitzel! YAY!!!

      Oh ya, and Happy Birthday, just noticed....
    6. halo kid
      halo kid
      happy birthday!
    7. KB
      Well it can either turn out incredible, or suck terribly. But with two of the best forgers out there, I'm sure it'll be amazing
    8. xSharpshooter94
      happy birthday man go out and legally drink until you loose all sense of where you are and WTF you were doing
    9. KB
      Draw the line, end of the line same difference lol. I remember that was one of the first "masterpieces" I ever saw. But man I cannot wait til your projects with lights come out...
    10. KB
      Wow you+lights? Win.

      I remember the first map I saw of yours was.... oh gawsh it was like the one with the train... I think it was called Draw the Line but I'm not sure but anyways it blew my mind away
    11. KB
      Happy birthday dude... May all your maps be as amazing as Gridlocked
    12. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Happy Birthday!
    13. RampaginFetus
      Happy Birthday!
    14. LIGHTSOUT225
      im excited for both maps.. its like were giving both turf and headlong successors. i thought of some good names as well, but Ill PM those
    15. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      That's because I'm so awesome.

      Seriously, send cake. I'm hungry.
    16. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Happy Birthday, DTL.

      Send cake.
    17. LIGHTSOUT225
      i really like the changes! alot. i made a minor change myself, but mostly just allocated for the rest of the materials needed to block stuff off and build barriers as high as needed, then threw a bunch of probable, but not necessary, weapons in a back office just to see where we stand budget-wise. itll be tight, but its definitely do-able
    18. Mastar
      Tisk tisk, voting "Great" on your own map huh?

      Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Poll Results

      A little bias imo :P

      :D <3
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      so...I played this map on blackout...it was a race map...and it was big...it sucked...but theres potential on blackout...and there was a big drop i improvised on since technically you aren't sposedta go that way...i cheated...point is...I'll kill you unless you finish that one map...
    20. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Well those kiddies are in for a surprise, haha! Hope it helps!
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Chicago, Illinois
    Draw the Line
    I am a student at NIU studying to be a graphic artist. I am addicted to just about anything Halo, and of course I love to forge.

    Drawing, Building, Videogames

