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Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)
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Ancient, from Zanzibar

Senior Member
TXGhost was last seen:
May 12, 2013
    1. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Yeah, the thing about bands though, they tend to play new their new stufff... =\
    2. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      OMG, yes. IMO he is one of the best guitarist right now. That solo was bone-chillingly sick as hell. So sick, when he he was done with the first one, and he asked everyone if they wanted more... all you heard was a load of YEAHS! --and he gave us more. It was godly. The only song I wish they played was Blind in Chains. That would have made the night x20 more winly.
    3. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      btw, happy b-day! =D

      (And I'll say they were pretty damn good live. The guitar solo was ****ingamazing)
    4. Thorax tehGREAT
      Thorax tehGREAT
      Happy birthday!
    5. SPARTANZ77
      happy b-day!
    6. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Thanks for making all the thought provoking Debate threads, they're the only ones that make me feel that forum isn't useless.
    7. chrstphrbrnnn
    8. chrstphrbrnnn
      Yes but there didn't seem to be many people on, I'll message you again if I can find some more people, thanks though.
    9. chrstphrbrnnn
      Me and sweeny are testing our map in like 15 minutes, do you wana test?
    10. Mallet
      In that case thanks very much. I try my best :)
    11. Mallet
    12. squidhands
      Yeah, Fringe is a cool show so far. I'm not really digging the chick's acting, but I like the premise and I hope that she'll relax into it a little and stop giving stupid looks every time she sees something unbelievable.

      You should give Battlestar a chance; I loved the original show when I was a kid, but it was incredible hokey and stupid. This show is hardly even related to the original other than in name. It's some of the best writing I've ever seen on TV besides Lost.

      Firefly's another great show. I was never a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, and when I heard that the creator/writer of the show was doing sci-fi, I didn't bother checking it out. It was only until I heard such great reviews for Serenity (the follow up movie) that we checked it all out and absolutely loved it. Joss Whedon is an awesome writer, and I'm really looking forward to his latest show, The Dollhouse when it comes out in January (I think))
    13. squidhands
      Thanks for the compliment, man. Here's to hoping that it'll do well.

      Yeah, Roddenberry has an awesome mind for sci-fi. You don't get too many people who can think like that any more, although I love the newer Battlestar Galactica and Firefly/Serenity.
    14. squidhands
      I have yet to experience the few thousand downloads on a map that I've made, but I'm sure it's a nice feeling.

      You're right, The Spirit is being directed by Frank Miller, the guy who wrote the original stories of Sin City and 300. He also got a co-director title on Sin City with Robert Rodriguez, and it was a beautiful movie. I'm just psyched to see Scarlett Johansson's cleavage in this movie, lol. I've had a huge crush on her since Lost in Translation.

      I just watched the preview for Star Trek last night with the wife, and it looks pretty sweet. Abrams does some great work, particularly with Lost, and even though I'm not the biggest Star Trek fan (Wrath of Khan rules, though) it looks awesome. I'll definitely be checking it out.
    15. squidhands
      They really are a pain in the ass to work with, and I'm trying to not even use those canvas maps.

      I totally agree, forging is more of a form of relaxation than anything else for me too. It doesn't really bother me if I don't publish a map or whether it gets a bunch of downloads or anything, I just like building ****.
    16. squidhands
      Cool man, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in mind.

      Yeah, here's hoping. I think DtL's Gridlocked has the best chance of any map that I've seen so far; he's managed to make a non-budget glitched version that still plays wonderfully.
    17. Fbu
      endgame bosses are all broken, no strategy, just tank n spank.

      A LOT of skills don't work, balance then breaks.

    18. Fbu
      I don't bot,

      free servers are NOTHING like real ones. I've played both.
    19. squidhands
      Really? That kind of sucks, but at least it cuts down on the time you'd be without it.

      Yeah, I've got a couple in the can. I'm working on getting Radius into matchmaking, and it's been through some pretty big changes since I first published it here. The hope is to get it into Team Doubles, but I need to get three games in with the matchmaking versions of the gametypes I want to showcase in the ATLAS thread at bnet.

      I made another one really quickly in Foundry when Tex was doing his Lazy Mapmakers Contest (non-interlocked), but I missed the deadline and now I'll probably go back and interlock it all. I made a Conquest map on Narrows that's never been tested, and I've still got the asymmetrical Rat's Nest map. Finding the time to do any testing with the amount of people you want isn't easy with the schedule I have. I'm sure you can relate.

      Sorry, that was a bit long winded. Have you been working on anything?
    20. ScarFac3d
      Is the video working?