Creeping Death
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Oct 19, 2022 at 7:09 PM
Jan 13, 2008
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Jan 26, 1981 (Age: 44)

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Creeping Death

What's a Halo?, from Boston,Ma

Senior Member
Creeping Death was last seen:
Oct 19, 2022
    1. LIGHTSOUT225
      or contention? edit: nvm thats a movie.. damn
    2. LIGHTSOUT225
      you like Verbatim, Prospect, Schematic, or Sanction?
    3. thesilencebroken
      if you'd like to throw some names my way, i have to rename the MM version of Redeemer to fit with the "no movie titles" policy... which is like everything in the known universe.

      im going for something one word, simple, and cool sounding.

      ex: Construct, Guardian.
    4. thesilencebroken
      will do.

      i dont mean its some epic groundbreaking map that will leave all in awe, i just mean i went for a different approach than most people go for using foundry. Think of it like a symmetrical Last Resort type of map, mixed with a little bit of Gridlocked i guess. It definately wont look like the other maps surrounding it.

      now all i can do is hope it plays as good as my concepts on paper :D
    5. thesilencebroken
      top secret at the moment, but you'll be hearing from me when testing time comes round. its a 4v4 map, so i need all the helps i can get with testing. Its not a normal foundry map actually, i modeled it around being a map that could be an actual bungie map, rather than trying to work with what they gave us for forging.

      hard to explain.... more open areas that DONT involve needing cover, no matter the noobs opinions. :D
    6. thesilencebroken
      that would be a small section of the map. in an unfinished state.

    7. thesilencebroken
      their loss.

      i personally think it'll be fantastic.
    8. thesilencebroken
      i will get right on that chief.
    9. LIGHTSOUT225
      thats tight. ill be on for a while i think so hit me up if u get on. i got no partner right now
    10. LIGHTSOUT225
    11. LIGHTSOUT225
    12. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      **** Yea Son!! I got my Xbox back today.. 3 days earlier then I expected! Booyah!
    13. LIGHTSOUT225
      we can fix the mongoose break but the rocket one is probably a no go. im not too worried about that one though
    14. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      How much RR did you play last night?
    15. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Yea, I guess. Is it okay if I use it though? I didn't want to offecnd you.
    16. LIGHTSOUT225
      RR dbl xp get on now!
    17. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Friday February 6th.. Slipknot is at the Tsongas Areana.
    18. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Well like I said, I'll let you two talk it out.. But what he briefly told me was that he talked to you Saturday or something and said he was going out to dinner with Grace, and that you should call him Sunday and we'd all hang out. But again, that's all I know, So I'll let you two figure that out.

      You'll talk.. make up.. then everything will be OK again.. Til 3 months later.. lol
    19. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Hey you don't have to tell me this I know all this already, But I don't think it's just the phone **** that is bothering him, He said something to me yesterday.. That he told you to call him on Sunday and he'd come over and chill, But he said you never called so he wasn't going to call you. I don't know, I'll let you two talk it out.
    20. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      OoOoOooOoOo.. That might just feed into his.. "Talk"
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  • About

    Jan 26, 1981 (Age: 44)
    Tall,dark,handsome.....Just plain awesome.
