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Aug 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM
Jan 15, 2008
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Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Houston, TX
Forging to a Premium standard.

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Ancient, from Houston, TX

Senior Member
Bottlecap was last seen:
Aug 21, 2012
    1. Linubidix
      lawlz, <3 you too.

      You said you'd returned from Fail Cry, does this mean you're forging again?
    2. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      And they would be?..
    3. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle provides help for those that stuggle with an addiction to porn, all links are safe, I reccomend downloading the x3 for free, you just need to find two accountability partners, like two close friends
    4. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Oh, your family and real friends? Then that's okay. So long as it's not opinion by internet people, then I agree with you.
    5. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      I never knew you much. Plus, you've been gone awhile. How are the new people supposed to know about it?

      I love how you said "most people got a kick out of that." Rather pathetic, but oh well.
    6. Devinish
      I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't own Left 4 Dead.
    7. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Just follow the link, if it were inappropiate then I would be banned.
    8. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      I don't think you can lose premium.
    9. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      I will if they wouldn't cry so often. Plus, they're too easy to trick.
    10. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Unfortunately, you responded to the question in a way that I had not predicted. I wanted to start a flame war.
    11. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Actually. I just randomly picked your latest post just to confuse into thinking of what I thought of you.
    12. TKOwnedU5
      hey i saw your map for farcry 2 and im wondering what that big gray wall can you please tell me what that was thnkyou!
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Yellow of yellow!
    14. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Haha, HAHAHA! I can't stop laughing. Actually, two generous mods knew why I was infracted, and reversed them for me. I didn't have to whine or complain like a little girl.
    15. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Haha, you can throw tempers as much as you want, but if you start to infract just because someone is responding to you not the way you want that's unneeded. I wouldn't of had those infractions reversed if I did deserve them.
    16. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Actually, I never got warned. I only got warned twice because two mods threw tempers at me.
    17. Debo37
      It was meant to be the prime Forge map. No map compares to it. Therefore, your statement was ridiculously obvious, Brute Captain Obvious. XD
    18. Debo37
      GT = Debo37. I keep things simple and continuous. XD
    19. KB
      That sucks... your forging was win
    20. KB
      havent seen you around lately
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  • About

    Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Houston, TX
    Forging to a Premium standard.
    I forge. I review maps.

    Forging. Reviewing maps. Volleyball.

