Sometimes things that make a difference are simple and are right in front of you. No, we didn't discover it but since we already made a post about it, your oppinion is irrelevant.
Sure, my technique might be widely known, its just something that can help some of the new people. You might want to delete your post though. Anyways if you really did mean no-offense, why would you post at all? So thanks, for the rude, yet trying not-to-be, comment.
NOOB??????????? no u hey i accidently volenteered for concession stand and will gone most of saturday, although i can be on most of friday afterschool due to reduced practice
hey i was looking in the testers guild and i think when the map is near done i will make a thread in there. also i am going to try to pursuade viper and matty.
Hey there :) I won't be online tonight but I'll be on here for like 30000 hours becuase I'm working on h\w.