more pics and an update on protoplast, if your intreauged still
hey do you want to add me? XxsdrakulichxX I've been wanting to get a custom game on Remedy going, and now that you saw it too, I went through with it and asked you.....lolfail too long of an explanation
you joined? soon....well, the site is the cake, so I lied shoot me lol Check my answer on your thread at LD....
It's a long story. Actually its not that long. Me and Randle Scandal argued like crazy on the visitor message boards and spammed the **** out of each other and both of us got warned for it. But we've forgiven each other now.
Yeah sorry I couldn't really help. I haven't been able to forge all that much lately so I can't remember much.
because it was funny and deserved, mostly the former decision though. psst...make a lasts longer
whats, add some more bullshit to that post about something..(in join the guild), cuz you just hcore spammed about me rippin him for spamming. So if they infract him, you might get as well, just say congratz sharp and that you like MotM or something.
I had to study for a World Studies final that day anyway. Kidbomber took over as host, but do you think you could make it this coming weekend?
Would you be able to come to the Sniper Fest night if I changed it to Sunday? Insane said he and a lot of other people would come to Halo 2 if it was another day besides Friday because of tests and TGIF.Yes or no?