Lol, well put. I just always feel a little tinge inside when I infract someone who isn't a jerk. I've got two myself, plus a warning. Back when I was a little nublet and Lights infracted me for a sig violation I was all like 'oh teh noes'.
What I wouldn't give for every response I get to an infraction to be like that. It always feels kinda weird infracting someone who's been here so much epicly longer than me, one of my first memories of FH was seeing you as wii60 (I think) in the old shoutbox, back when I was all small and meek. Ah well, just glad you dun hate me dude.
Errrrrrr, maybe. I'm going out on friday night, and then out really early in the morning, so i may not be able to host one. Chances are, that if there is a one, i'll not be hosting this time round.
An old friend of mine's mum looks exactly like Robyn and has the same name. I seriously(when I first saw Robyn), thought they were the same person.
I literally just pulled an all-nighter for college applications... I'm not tired at all...I'm staying home to get sleep because I "need it" but im functioning perfectly. I think my regular lack of sleep has conditioned me. lol
If you are against anything to do with the belief of Jesus Christ, your are anti-Christ. If you have no religious bias and remain unaffiliated with spiritual beliefs, you are an atheist.