hey... what thread did you say had my name thrown around in it, you said this earlier today or last night?
bah, well goodnight then :D btw, i think if you removed the spawn above the rockets, you'd be able to post the map as is without worry. [remedy]. and tomorrow night will probably be transfer over night. goodnight.
signed up, no posts, then just jumps into offtopic like its their home. IP check. and some skype lovin if possible before i go to bed. its lonely on tonight lol
it's not that im trusting, just whenever i decide to welcome a new member, it's one of those ****ing ban evasion assholes.
how the **** do i fall for these duplicate account people?! it's like i'm drawn to making friends with them... who was soma?
Is there anyway to bring your harddrive to another xbox or something? I started another map called Adrenaline that I will enter into Atlas and I don't want my work to be wasted.
additionally, since attention has been moved from the back hall area, i am sticking with your suggestion of 2 snipers, located in the middle sides. ive got a real general weapons layout graphed out for us, but ill wait till the geometry is done so we may revise anything if needbe.
Redeemer update: Armory rooms are no longer the red/blue bases. They are now a safe spawn/multiteam yellow & green bases. The red and blue bases are the corner ones. you'll understand the moment you see. Red base is 100% done. Blue base is under construction. Looks ultra sexy. Seems to have a very good flow through it as well.
Ahh, all in good time, good sir. I am finishing up homework, so, I will be ready in around 30 minutes.
can you move this thread http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/46826-help.html to customer service por favor? Te doy las gracias senor. XD