Not bad at all. I'd say only the ones near the A Sign and Hall Way. The gameplay was very original and easy to get a hang of. I think once it is released, it will remain permanently on my HDD. Redeemer going good? Congratz on getting in BrokenBlaze though.
Yeah, I guess so. I think you should rework the spawns and respawns so they're individually set-up from Slayer to CTF. I noticed that you had alot of neutral spawns pretty much everywhere in CTF. I'm not quite sure if this was intenetional and I can't really say anything because I'm nott 100% sure if you used spawn areas. I am the tele-master though. :D Can't wait though...Delays are better than no reply at all anyways.
Hello, when will Remedy be released? It is a great map and I can't wait to have on my games list. I'm Furry x Furry by the way, the guy with Smeagle.
Hey, do you know if I'm allowed to create threads in the review hub subforum? And yes, I am a member. banz... EDIT: Arrgghh... lol Scarred beat me to it.... but seriously, this guy needs to be banned faster than you can say, "Antidisestablishmenterrism"
Lol, looks like I missed you, hope you sleep well. I did the same thing last night and am now suffering the consequences :P
I'm sure they'll be here soon. You're right though, they really went all out on the forging for this 2v2, I had no idea till I got promoted.
Me too, and I've really enjoyed the few games I've played on Slate Creek, I think it was destined to be used in the finals, tis a beaut
that can be arranged :D i need to get my ass moving. i want my parts done tonight. this map is taking longer than it rightfully should.
tbh the 2v2 isn't so bad new, very few matches, all but one went down with no issues last round, and the announcements only seem to get shorter after that mammoth one, I had a harshly disorganised night last night is all. Looking forward to the final, although it is annoying that the two teams I was rooting for both went out.