oX Arson Xo
Last Activity:
Oct 14, 2009 at 12:07 PM
May 4, 2008
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oX Arson Xo


Senior Member
oX Arson Xo was last seen:
Oct 14, 2009
    1. Mischgasm
      Hey dude, I don't know about a remake but I really would like to forge something with you. IMO remakes are boring and are less rewarding than spending time on an idea yourself. Take a look at this post for me and tell me what you think. I'm thinking of bringing it to life if you want to help. Sketch here. Again this is just an idea. I'm more than open to going in a complete opposite direction.
    2. Penguinish
      nvm found the thing in your fileshare, but the link in your post is dead.
    3. Penguinish
      Hey i want to DL midshipv5... link dosnt work.
    4. sourdauer
      hey, your link for your midship remake is falty, i would really like to download it, so if you could send me a link directly to the file or your fileshare it would be greatly appriciated
    5. Linubidix
      Hey. I just wanted to let you know that your current sig is beyond the size limits.
      I highly reccommend you resize it, or the mods may infract you.
    6. DunkinMyCookies
      hey i got a map from TSFP that i really wanna remake, Mars Prison, i just sketched the whole first floor and gave up but i still hav it. im gonna see if i can just find some screens online
    7. DunkinMyCookies
      if it keeps breaking just buy a used one at a local gamestop or something,

      idk trade it :D

      but either way once you get it back i think the map i wanna make would be Compound from TS2 , its small, its got good cover im gona sketch it
    8. DunkinMyCookies
      im thinkin compound, for SWAT
    9. DunkinMyCookies
      would you like to help me forge a splitters map?
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