sorry man, if you join at some point, maybe we'll play a few on the normal maps... how do you NOT have them?
Dude, mine and blazes map is coming to its end, so expect something soon. Add it to your thread if you want
As a matter of fact, I do. Just posted in your thread. Sorry about not being able to play some Gears; hopefully I can get some non-forging free time for some Horde Mode. :-)
Well i'm finished with Halo and Forge (unless Sandbox is something really special). I had a LOT of pretty awesome outstanding projects, but i ended up giving them away to Alby or Ivory as they were the first people who asked. So you might see my name as a joint creator on a couple of maps in the future.
I just read that actually. Nice job on keeping the community informed :) Not in Halo ... i've a few epic Far cry 2 maps in the works though ... i can get you screens later on if you really want ;)
Yeah, turned out better than I expected. If you had more people to document on, it would've been a bit better.
Can you get online soon? I need an okay ona modification and I'm almost done geo-merging with the back-tunnel...
well, my work as you know it is changing substantially. My days of smaller enclosed maps are over. that being said, linu's style's have been evolving themselves, and he's been feeding off of what i've done. im sure you'll be surprised. if not, better luck next time.
redeemer is coming along. remedy is purely amazing. and i harbor no ill feelings towards vorpal. Its a silly online forging group.