GD27 BlueDevil
Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Jan 27, 2008
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Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
Miami, Florida
Fighting Crime

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GD27 BlueDevil

Ancient, from Miami, Florida

Senior Member
GD27 BlueDevil was last seen:
Apr 16, 2012
    1. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      Hey, are you on a team Gunned Down?
    2. DarkTiest
    3. DarkTiest
      DarkTiest know my gamertag..add me and i will accept it..
    4. Blaze
      I'm getting it 2maro night.. so no problem. sorry again. :'(
    5. mastersync23
      Well, I'm online now, it's just that I have school about when I messaged you.
    6. Blaze
      Not 2night. but like i said i promise it wont be long. I also need to get on and put stuff up for a bunch of other reasons as well so It will surely be soon.
    7. drak
      UGH bro, get on XBL talk to me, and try and convince me....I dont check this **** as often....
    8. drak
      cant, going to be playing CoD5, but take some screenshots, and send them to me at:
      Legacy Designs - Powered by vBulletin
    9. mastersync23
      Hey, do you want to help me on Opus? Just, you know, adjust the vehicles and stuff? In maybe four or five hours?
    10. thesilencebroken
    11. Blaze
      I cant even turn mine on.. I need to get someone elses xbox till i can load it up. It wont be long tho. I promise. and If i get one here for myself. Ill finish up even more.. buti may just have to go to my friends house.

      Im soooo freaking sorry this has been happening almost the whole colab.. Its really honestly not my fault that i cant help quite as much.... I'm not slacking at all, I really have been trying to domy best.
    12. Blaze
      I have quite a bit done on the map. but.......... My xbox wont turn back on. :-\ I'm going to do my absolute best to get one to play on tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll be able too. if not i deff will by this weekend no doubt..

      i just wanted to let you know that. I barely have anything left to finish so please don't worry and i hope you don't mind this happened.
    13. drak
      I'm leaving for north carolina tonight, getting there prolly 11:00 tomorrow (driving).
      Ill be able to help you, not a lot, but a little over the break. Okay?
    14. Linubidix
      Hey, do you still have the non premiums map because we need it to be passed to AmercanPsycho and Picceta is unavailable.
    15. drak
      dude, I cant do all that ****...
    16. J A Y
      J A Y
      Trust me when I say this.... Don't send one like it again.
    17. J A Y
      J A Y
      Still... Make a thread about it, if they want to test, let them join..
    18. J A Y
      J A Y
      Stop sending people messages about testing your map, either make a thread in map testing or just get people to join when you are online. Sending the same message to everyone isn't cool and rather annoying.

      This is just a heads up before something worse happens.
    19. Blaze
      No problem.
    20. drak
      Download MLG Adrenaline.skp - File Qube
      there, thats it
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  • About

    Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Miami, Florida
    Fighting Crime
    GD27 ShockWav3
    I am a teenager that likes playing baseball, forging and messing around with my friends.

    Playing baseball, forging, building things and drawing.
