Could I assist with the Non-Premiums map? Would it hurt my qualifications if I helped on the Premiums map? (I joined Insane54's party and helped him geomerge)
I reckon neither should be taught, unless the school is based around the subject. eg. Catholic school or a science school
I'm studying for P:E... An increase in muscle size through training would be related to an improvement in, A) Flexibility, B) Balance, C) Muscle Strength Stuff like that, but that question is one of the easy ones
So if I get there around 10:40, would you be up for finding out? or do you want to do this during the lunch break?
tomorrow I have P:E and on Thursday I have Social studies and Geography. So close but yet so far.. What exactly do we have to do in the social studies exam?
really good actually, I aced English and Maths, but in Biology I went kay, I'll still pass but I could of done better... How did your day break go?
i dont know, im just getting others opionions, and i know i need to come up with something not as similar to ivory snake.
Sup! We're testing High Voltage Friday and mabey Thursday, wanna join? We are testng it a lot... we started yesterday... gotta get it featured lolz!
ooooh, i like your profile page, im a sucker for shading..... what do you think about me changing my name to kryptonite?
" Linubidix You can't have 10 quotes of the day. That's just retarded." You can't post in an index. That's retarded! Actually, the real quotes of the day appear in my profile page. Quite a few people haven't seen them, so I decided to upload them onto a group so they wouldn't have to search my profile for them.